marching band

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In marching band you have to constantly smile. If your just standing there you have to smile, don't ask me why but you do. Now, I HATE my smile.  Hate it a lot.  So this is a big step for me.

My feet hurt like hell but I mean,  it's what I signed up for.

First day of practice ended today and it was really fun.  But we do have to-do a lot of exercises in the grass and the backs of my legs are SO red from just itching them.

Also,  our director completely changed how we go to " horns up" now normally its just one swift motion to bring your instrument to your face,  now it's 2 motions and I don't like it. He also changed how we get ready to play,  so normally we would be silent and then he gives the call for us to put our instruments to our side then our face (which is normally "Band, horns up") but now we go to this thing called a " Parade Rest" now this is something we NEVER do and it's a werid switch.

I would keep ranting but it would make absolutely no sense if you aren't in marching band.

If you aren't in band you should join it,  it's literally so much fun! I've been in band for almost 3 years now (6th-8th grade) and I'm just now in marching band.

And if your school dosent have band,  join music class or something.  Music in general is fun.  I also get to take music class this year, which means I can better my guitar skills so that'll be fun!
Hopefully I can play drum set and keyboard though..

Welp,  that's all for me.  What are y'all doing?

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