Chapter 3

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Eddie walked through the halls, his mind working in overdrive. He pondered the boy who had looked at him on the bus. He looked familiar, in an odd sort of way.

Eddie didn't know the person, at least not personally, however he did feel a tug in the back of his mind leading him to believe the person was not a stranger. Eddie walked into his English class, and took a seat in the back, where he usually sat.

The class started, and Eddie pulled out a notebook, taking good notes. The teacher droned on and on, talking about various ways to make your essay "better and more vivid".

The door suddenly swung open, and a tall boy with curly hair walked into the room, taking the seat next to Eddie.

"Mr. Tozier, what a pleasant surprise, you finally decided to show up!" The teacher turned around, giving a disapproving look in the boys direction.

Eddie turned to the side slightly, realizing suddenly who this boy was. He thought back to the party, as painful as it was, and a memory sparked through his mind.

"Come on Bev, you know I don't go to parties!" Eddie fiddled with the sleeve of his hoodie, whining.

"Eddie I promise if you feel uncomfortable we can leave, but please, for me, will you come to the party?" Beverly Marsh, Eddie's best friend, pleaded.

"Bev, we aren't even at the party and I can tell you I already feel uncomfortable." Beverly rolled her eyes.

"Eddie, the guy who invited me to the party is a nice guy, and he wouldn't invite me if anything bad was going to happen."

"Fine." Eddie crossed his arms and wrapped his finger around his hoodie string.

Bev squealed, and grabbed Eddie's hand, pulling him out towards her car.

"I have to be home by 10:00."

"I promise Eddie, I'll have you home by ten." Beverly held out her pinky.

Eddie took it, and off they drove.

Once they got to the house, which seemed average enough, Beverly got out of the car and skipped up to the steps, with Eddie behind her.

A tall boy greeted them at the doorstep, who introduced himself to Eddie as Richie Tozier.

Eddie walked in the house with Bev, ready to get the night over with.

"Tozier." Eddie mumbled under his breath, realizing he was the boy who had held the party which had broken him.

Of course, it wasn't his fault, because after Bev had gotten drunk, she told him to just walk home because it was a short drive. Eddie had taken her advice and tried to walk home, but was stopped in the woods and-

Eddie took a deep breath. Not here. He couldn't think about this here. Not now.

Richie Walked into his English class 15 minutes late. He knew he would get shit for it, but he had been thinking about the boy on the bus earlier. Something about him seemed familiar, so he had gone and asked his friend Bill if he knew anything. Bill didn't know, but suggested that it was just because they went to the same school.

Richie had thought some more, and then, finally entered the classroom.

Richie slid into a seat in the back without looking who was next to him,hoping the teacher didn't notice his presence.

Unfortunately, the teacher had eyes in the back of his head, and turned around, telling him off. Richie turned to the right slightly, and stiffened up suddenly.

It was the boy, right next to him. He seemed to be paying attention to the teacher still, so Richie looked away quickly.

Suddenly, it clicked. He had seen this boy at his party. Only for a second, however Richie remembered how nervous the smaller boy had looked as he walked into the party with his friend, Bev. Richie knew Bev, if only a little.

He used to hang out with her, especially when things would get rough with his dad. They could relate with each other, because they both had abusive parents.

Richie suddenly noticed a swift movement next to him, almost to quick to be noticed. The boy next to him had grabbed his wrist under the table. He had stiffened up, digging his fingernails into his wrist. He let out a small hiss of pain, barley audible above the constant drone of the teacher.

Richie turned away slightly, knowing it was not his place to say anything. Richie sighed, hoping it was not his doing. Maybe sitting next to this boy made him uncomfortable. He really hoped not, because Richie really wanted to get closer to the small boy on his right.


I'm here again, sorry for the delay! I'm off of school now, so expect one or more updates a week, depending:) thanks for reading my story, and feel free to leave comments and suggestions.

Word count: 818

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