Chapter 8

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Eddie walked into the diner behind Richie. Richie was humming a soft tune under his breath, something rock and roll, by the sound of it.

After Richie had spoken with the waitress who had led them to their booth, he finally looked over at Eddie.

Eddie couldn't believe this whole scenario was actually going to happen. He had never thought of himself to be a lucky person, but nothing every landed in his lap. He usually had to work for everything he got, even his friends.

And yet, as Eddie slid into the booth, Richie didn't disappear, or proclaim the whole dinner was some kind of cruel joke. He gave Eddie a lopsided smile, and began talking.

"What do you think you're gonna get to eat?" Richie softly said.

Eddie tucked a loose strand of hair behind his ear, "I'm not sure I don't come here very often."

Really, Eddie had been here quite a few times, but usually with Bev, and they would get desert or fries. But the fact that he, Eddie Kaspbrak was at dinner with Richie Tozier made his mind run blank.

Eddie barely knew Richie, they had actually talked twice.  Why did it feel so right?

Richie ended up ordering chicken strips, and Eddie ordered a simple cheeseburger and fries.

Over the course of the night, the awkwardness slowly dissolved into comfortable conversation. Richie told Eddie about himself, and about funny and embarrassing moments he's had. What Richie failed to tell Eddie was that the bruise that was on his face wasn't from a counter, but rather his abusive father.

Eddie told Richie about everything, leaving out the parts about his mother who made up sicknesses in her head and made everyone believe her perfect Eddie was sick. Eddie knew it was bullshit, so he figured it wasn't a big deal.

Eddie told Richie how he enjoyed writing and sketching, how he sometimes went bird watching with his friends, and how he was hoping to become an author when he was older.

Richie wanted to tell Eddie about his life goals, but honestly, he didn't know where he was going with his life. At the moment, he didn't even know if he was going to college.

By the end of the night, the two boys knew much more about each other, and they felt content with themselves.

As Eddie stepped on his front porch later that night, he already knew Beverly had been waiting in his room. He walked slowly into the house, shutting the door quietly.

He didn't need to, but he just wasn't used to feeling happy, and he needed a minute to bask in the feeling.

The minute didn't last long, because Beverly came shooting down the stairs like a rocket, throwing herself on Eddie.

"OH MY GOD HOW WAS IT? WAS IT ROMANTIC? DID YOU KISS? DID HE SAY ANYTHING? EDDIEEEEE!" Beverly rambled on and on, and finally Eddie interrupted her.

"BEV!" He shouted loudly, it echoed around the house.


"No, he didn't say anything, no he didn't kiss me, no he doesn't like me like that. But it went well, I think we're friends now." Eddie went and opened the fridge, grabbing a water.

Beverly made a face that resembled something along the lines of "awww" and then wrapped Eddie a huge hug.

Eddie talked with Bev until almost 11:00, and then gasped as he looked at his clock.

"Bev, you gotta go, my moms gonna be home at 11:30."

Bev smiled at Eddie and gave him another hug, promising to hang out with him and Stan again soon. With that, Bev left through the back door, grabbing her bike and pedaling down the street.

Eddie sighed, going up to his room.

He had a pretty good day. Things finally were looking better.

He was ready to put the whole Henry bowers incident behind him and start to look on the bright side of things.

A/n OH MY GOD IM SORRY:( this update took literally over a month because I've been busy with summer school and I just have been having major writers block about this story. Also THANK YOU FOR OVER 400 reads on this story it means so much🥺❤️ anyways I'll try to update soon, this was kinda a filler chapter so I can figure out what I'm doing with this book:)


Word count: 732

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