Chapter 14

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Eddie was walking to the quarry to clear his head when he saw a familiar head of raven curls bouncing toward him. Richie was slowly making his way down the street. His eyes wandered up, until they found Eddie's warm brown ones.

Richie's eyes widened. He let a smile replace his face of surprise, then gave a timid wave in Eddie's direction.

Eddie couldn't help but smile back. He walked up to Richie, pushing any weird thoughts out of his mind.

"Hey Richie, what are you doing here?" Eddie asked.

"I'm just going for a walk to clear my head. Things have been chaotic lately at my house."

Eddie looked down, flustered. It had been almost three days since he had talked to Richie, and he didn't realize how much he had missed him until now.

Eddie nodded towards the pavement. "Me too."

Richie looked down at Eddie in concern, before choosing the words to say. "Is everything okay Ed's?"

"Don't call me that."

"Edward spaghedward?"

Eddie chuckled, "don't call me that either. My moms just been really controlling lately and I'm not sure what to do about it. Can you tell me what's up with you Rich? You seem down lately."

Richie stopped walking. "My dad keeps drinking. We tell him to stop, and he doesn't listen. He hit my mom Eddie. And he's hit me before. He doesn't let me eat," Richie paused, swallowing the lump in his throat, "I want to go to the police, but I'm afraid they won't believe me."

Eddie was silent for a minute as he took in all of the information he had just been given. He was in awe, he just couldn't believe Richie had so many problems. He felt so bad, like his problems were minuscule compared to how Richie had it at home.

"Rich, I'm so sorry. You should tell someone, but figure out how you're gonna do it first. Nobody deserves to be abused or beaten." Eddie ran his hand comfortingly down Richie's arm.

Richie wiped at his eyes with the sleeve of his sweatshirt and sighed.

"I'll tell somebody someday, but I just can't do it today, I'm too much of a mess." Richie said.

"Richie, just take your time, you'll get where you need to be eventually. Thanks for telling me though. I'll do anything I can to help you."

Eddie thought back to the kiss. Had it really been a mistake? Was Richie just hurt and felt like he needed comfort?

Eddie felt sadness well up inside him. He masked it and gave Richie a weak smile.

"Hey, wanna go to the quarry with me?" Eddie asked slowly. "Just to hang out or something, I'm really bored."

Richie's face lit up and he instantly agreed.

They walked together down to the quarry in comfortable silence. While they were walking, Eddie's mind wandered.

Why did Eddie always want to be around Richie? Eddie wasn't gay. His mother wouldn't allow it. What were these feelings he had towards Richie then? He felt like Richie was a good friend, but also maybe something more than that. Eddie's mind was spinning as he walked with Richie. He just wanted to figure out why he had enjoyed the kiss so much.

In Derry, you weren't supposed to be gay. It meant you were sick and needed help.

Eddie didn't think he needed help. He decided to leave it alone for now, and try to just be friends with Richie because if he told anyone how he was feeling, he was sure they would shame him and make him feel bad for enjoying a kiss with another boy.

Eddie and Richie neared the quarry, and they sat down on some rocks overlooking the water at the bottom. Eddie could see the dull gray sky reflecting off the water, and the way the wind made ripples dance across the surface of the water.

Eddie enjoyed himself all day with Richie, taking his mind off life by joking and laughing with him. They both knew they needed to be there for each other, and they didn't talk about anything too serious while they were together.

They were about to get up and go home when a the snapping of a twig behind them caused Richie to pause mid sentence.

"Well, well, well, the girly boy and his fag boyfriend."

Hi! I updated again yay me:) Kinda a filler chapter and the book is moving really slowly, but i think it's about 1/4 done or maybe less. I'm not sure how long this book is gonna be, but I'm hoping I can make it Into a pretty long story. Also I hit 3k yesterday!! I'm so grateful for everyone who's read my book and voted or commented on it, it means the world!

Word count: 805

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