Chapter 9

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When Eddie walked into school, he wasn't expecting a skinny, reddish haired boy to come running towards him.

Bill Denbrough. He knew who this boy was, he had seen him in the halls talking to Richie on many occasions. Why he was approaching him, Eddie had no idea.

Eddie knew little about Bill, just that he was popular, yet one of the more quiet kids in the school. He had past trauma, his little brother Georgie had died three years ago. He also had a persistent stutter, which had started around the time his brother had died. Eddie didn't blame him.

That was all. Eddie knew no more than that, and they had never spoken a word to each other in their lives.

Bill was walking now, about ten yards away from Eddie with a small smile on his face. Eddie just looked, probably like a deer in headlights. When Bill finally approached him, he snapped out of it and gave a small forced smile.

"Hi," Eddie said softly when Bill was directly in front of him.

Bill smiled back widely and started talking. "H-hey I'm Bill. You p- probably don't know me but I know y-you and Richie went on a d-date last night and I was wondering how it was because he's a d-d-dingus and doesn't tell me anything."

"First of all, we didn't go on a date. I'm not gay, and he isn't either. I had a good time, but we're just friends." Eddie tried to say it sternly, but he couldn't muster up enough authority.

"W-whatever," Bill kept smiling, "you both still went out to dinner with each o-other." Bills stutter wasn't horrible around Eddie, but he knew it got a lot worse when he was under pressure.

"Okay, but that doesn't mean we're automatically dating. He's a good friend though." Eddies smile became more genuine as he thought of Richie.

"Okay..." Bill said slowly.

"Don't look at me like that," Eddie giggled slightly because of the judgmental look on Bills face.

Bill smirked, "all I'm s-saying is that he hasn't wanted to hang out with someone that o-often for a while, what your doing to him is g-good."

"I'm not doing anything to him! I'm just being friendly." Eddie huffed, blushing.

"Okay, well I gotta get to class E-Eddie, I'm glad I talked to y-you." Bill said.

"Yeah me too, you seem like a good guy Bill. Hopefully I'll see you around."

Eddie waved and turned to walk away. He went to meet up with Bev, avoiding all questions about Richie, and they went to their first class, which was together.

Later that day, during English, Richie walked in on time. More than on time actually. He walked in three minutes before Eddie had. When Eddie walked in, Richie was sitting in the chair next to his normal seat. Eddie felt a little bubble of happiness expand in his chest, and he went to sit down.

"Hey Eddie spaghetti." Richie have Eddie a lopsided grin.

"Hi" Eddie's cheeks felt hot.

Why did Richie effect him this way? He wasn't gay. There was no way he was into dudes. He had a crush on a girl in grade school for God's sake!

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