Chapter 10

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A/n I'm kinda excited for this chapter:)

When Eddie got home, he went upstairs quickly because he knew Richie would be over his house soon, and he wanted to fix up a bit. Eddie felt a small knot of nerves tighten in his stomach as he thought of Richie coming over to his house.

Eddie looked in the mirror which sat above his dresser, running his fingers through the loose curls on his head. It only now occurred to him that he probably should've gotten a haircut last week when his mom had asked him about it.

Eddie pulled off the jeans he had worn to school, putting on a pair of loose black joggers, and he tugged his polo over his head and replaced it with a baby blue T-shirt.

Eddie heard the doorbell ring. He jumped, and then bounded down the stairs to get the door.

Richie stood waiting in front of the door, a flannel pulled around his arms, framing his skinny body. He had on plain black jeans, and a band T-shirt under his red and black flannel.

Eddie opened the door, his eyes traveling up Richie's  body. By the time Eddie got to Richie's face, his cheeks felt hot. Bowers words played over in his head, and Eddie pushed the thought out of his head, inviting Richie inside.

"Come In Rich." Eddie forced a smile on his face, trying not to show how shaken up he was.

Richie and Eddie fooled around for a couple minutes, just laughing and joking, when suddenly Richie's smile dropped.

"What's wrong?" Eddie asked sounding concerned.

"Nothing", Richie paused, eyes darting around the kitchen.

Eddie sighed, "are you sure? You seem upset all of the sudden."

"Have you ever kissed anyone?" Richie blushed, eyes finally landing on Eddie's face.

Eddie had never turned more red in his life. He spluttered for a second, before answering.

"N-no why?"

"Just wondering."



"Have you?"

Richie looked down at the floor, "no", he said in a small voice.

"Do you wish you had?"

"I don't know."

Eddie looked up at Richie and took a small step towards him.

"I know I'm a guy and everything, and being gay is a sin or whatever, but would getting it over with be so bad?" Eddie said in such a quiet voice, Richie wasn't even sure he had heard him right.

Richie's eyes widened slightly at what Eddie had been implying, and he didn't answer for a second.

Eddie, noticing this, got scared suddenly.

"No, of course you don't wanna get it over with. That was a dumb question, I'm sorry. You probably never wanna see me again." Eddie groaned and covered his face, waiting for Richie to storm out.

Richie walked over to Eddie, and gently grabbed both his wrists. He pulled Eddie's hands down from his face and took another step. Richie was now only about 7 inches from Eddie, and he decided Eddie was right. He might as well get it over with, what was the point of waiting?

"R-Richie?" Eddie looked up at Richie with wide brown eyes. "What are you doing?"

Richie smiled softly, trying to ease the tension. "Getting it over with."

With that, Richie closed the gap between them, placing his lips lightly against Eddie's.

Eddie couldn't help but close his eyes at the contact. He moved his lips softly against Richie's, tasting strawberries and very faintly, cigarettes. Something minty was hidden in the mix somewhere, and Eddie felt as if he never wanted to pull away.

Richie pulled away from Eddie, his long fingers still wrapped lightly around Eddie's wrists. He had a small smile on his lips, and his dark eyes were shining.

"Thank you."

"For what?" Eddie questioned looking up at Richie. His cheeks were flushed, and he was sure Richie could hear his heart beating.

"Being my first kiss" Richie smiled. "It's nice to be able to do that and have it be with a friend and both be comfortable."

Eddie felt a sinking feeling in his gut, but agreed nonetheless.

There wasn't exactly awkward tension in the room, but it definitely wasn't as comfortable as it had been the other night when both boys had gone to dinner with each other.

Richie and Eddie watched some random movie on the tv in Eddie's room for the remainder of the time that Richie was over. The both sat with about a foot of space between each other on the bed, and even though Eddie was about to fall off, he didn't scoot closer.

They didn't talk much, and the tension slowly grew thicker as the day wore on. Finally, Richie said he had to go, and he left quickly, leaving Eddie confused.

Why did he enjoy the kiss? And why did he feel like he messed up?

Ok this book is all over the place and I'm sorry if it doesn't make sense but it should pick up soon:) also this chapter feels kinda rushed so idk how to feel about it. Leave comments if you feel like it, they are appreciated and make my day sometimes:))


Word count: 862

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