Chapter 5

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Eddie woke up on Tuesday, went to school, and had an average day. He hadn't seen Richie all day, and assumed he had skipped his classes.

Stan walked with Eddie, all the way to his house. Eddie was thankful for this, because he was scared to be alone lately. Bev and Stan were the only people who knew about it, and that's how Eddie planned to keep it.

When Eddie got home, he went inside quietly. He didn't want to draw any unnecessary attention to himself. Eddies mother wasn't horrible, however she did tend to overreact to any and most situations. Eddie had to do a lot of sneaking behind her back, which he hated, because he just wanted to have a mother who understood him and let him be a kid.

Eddie walked up the stairs, getting to his room and closing the door lightly. Minutes later, Sonia came up the stairs, and knocked loudly on the door. Before Eddie could answer, the woman came in and looked at Eddie.

"Eddie bear, why didn't you tell me you came home?" Sonia placed her hands on her large hips, tapping her foot against the floor impatiently.

"Mom, I just got home, you must not have been paying attention." Eddie sat down on his bed, wishing she would just go away.

"That is no way to talk to your mother Edward. Apologize."

"Sorry mom." Eddie figured if he just apologized, his mom would leave him alone to be by himself.

Sonia didn't reply, but just mumbled something about kids and their disrespect, and then left the room.

Eddie sighed, and then slipped his Walkman out from under the bed. He put a mixtape in the Walkman, and the. Slid the headphones over his head. Eddie lay back, letting the music surround him.

Eddies mind wandered over to Richie. Why hadn't he been at school? Was he hurt? Were they still going to the diner tomorrow?

Eddie worries  about Richie, and didn't stop thinking about him all of that night.

Eddie skipped dinner, and his mom didn't even  call him down, she probably didn't even care.

Eddie sighed, looking at his clock, which read 11:09 pm. He slipped his headphones off, and then slipped the Walkman under the bed.

Eddie closed his eyes, trying to fall asleep, but he finally sat up, unable to stop thinking about Richie or the party.

Eddie crept into the bathroom, sitting down on his toilet, and putting his head into his hands. He looked in the cabinet above his sink, and opened it. Eddie saw his blade glinting from the corner, but looked away. Eddie closed the cabinet, promising he wouldn't do it.

Not tonight. Things were getting better for Eddie, and he promised himself he would get better. Stop cutting, and move on with his life.

A tear slipped from Eddies face, and he walked back into his room. Eddie curled up under his covers, falling into a restless sleep. He dreamed of Richies party, and what would possibly happen the next day.

A/n sorry for the short chapter:/ having some writers block, but I should be updating a longer chapter soon:) thanks for hanging in there and sorry if updates are slow.

Word count: 544

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