Chapter 6

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The next morning, Eddie woke up to his alarm blaring in his ear. Groaning, he rolled over and hit snooze.

"Piss off." Eddie rolled back over, facing his window once more.

Minutes later, the alarm was beeping again. Eddie hit the off button, and sat up slowly in his bed.

Eddie suddenly remembered, today he was hanging out with Richie. He was excited, to say the least. Even though Eddie didn't usually hang out with popular kids, such as people like Richie, he felt like this time it was different.

After a quick breakfast, Eddie came back upstairs and washed up, brushing his teeth, and combing his hair. After a couple minutes of looking in his closet, Eddie decided on dark jeans with an oversized baby blue hoodie.

The cuts on Eddie's wrists were healing, now completely scabbed over, and a lot less painful.

After a couple minutes, Eddie slipped on his white converse and went downstairs.

"Morning bear!" Sonia waddled into the room, and Eddie let out a small puff of air.

"Morning" Eddie mumbled quietly.

Sonia said nothing in return, but let out a loud sigh. She was really getting on Eddies nerves lately, because she would keep pestering him, even though he just wanted to be left alone.

Eddie walked out of the house, and headed towards his bus stop. From where he was, Eddie could see a taller person at his stop, one with a head full of black curls. It was Richie, Eddie realized, which made a wave of relief go through him.

Eddie walked up behind Richie, not saying anything. Richie turned when he heard something behind him, and Eddie let out a gasp.

Richie had a bruise running down from the top of his cheekbone, all the way to his jaw. It was badly covered up with concealer, and Richie had pulled a beanie over his head to hide it.

"Richie?" Eddie looked up at him, wondering who would have done this.

Richie was very nice to everyone overall, and Eddie couldn't see anyone slamming their fist into his face.

"Eddie I...hi?" Richie said it like a question, knowing from the look on Eddies face, he could see the bruise.

"Richie what happened? Why weren't you at school yesterday? Who did this? Are you-"

"Eddie! Stop, I'm ok, just fell in my kitchen yesterday and got a nasty bruise from the counter. I decided to stay home because it looked so bad"

Eddie could see right through this bullshit, but decided not to comment on it, because there must have been a good reason for it.

The bus rolled up, and both Eddie and Richie boarded, going to sit with their personal friend groups. Eddie sat by Stan and Beverly, and Richie by Bill and some of his other friends from his football team.

Eddie stayed silent for most of the ride to school, switching gears and going into auto pilot when he got to school.

The day went by quickly, and before Eddie knew it, lunchtime had come. Eddie sat down with Bev and Stan, along with two other kids, named Mike and Ben, who Eddie only knew a little bit.

About halfway through lunch, Richie approached Eddies table.

"Hey, can I steal Ed's over here for a second?" Richie smirked at everyone at the table, and Eddie felt a blush rise in his cheeks.

"Don't call me Ed's" Richies smirk grew into a full blown smile, and he chuckled lightly.

"Alright little man, can I talk to you please?"

Eddie rose from the table, an indignant look on his face. "Don't call me that either."

"Alright, just come on" Richie was still smirking, and Eddie's cheeks were rosy with blush.

Eddie followed Richie into the hallway, finally stopping when Richie turned around.

"Are we still on for tonight? I know I wasn't here yesterday and we couldn't talk about it, so uh, do you still wanna go to the diner?" Richie looked suddenly less confident, as if his world depended on this answer.

Eddie smiled a little, "yeah, were still on for tonight."

Richie looked extremely relieved.

"Ok, ok, good. Thanks- I mean, yeah I'll see ya later." Richie patted Eddie awkwardly not the shoulder, turning around and leaving a confused Eddie alone in the hallway.

Eddie suddenly was struck with a weird feeling. He wanted to hang out with Richie more. Not just tonight, but all day. Eddie groaned, he didn't want to come off as clingy, so he would just have to wait until tonight.

Eddie walked back into the lunchroom, sitting down with his friends.

"What was that about, hmmm?" Stan smirked at Eddie, wiggling his eyebrows.

"Nothing you idiot, I was just talking with him about how we are gonna grab some food later."

"Oooooh, sounds like a date!" Beverly grabbed Eddies hand, bouncing in her seat in excitement.

"NO- I mean, we're just going as friends, I barley know the kid. Besides I'm not gay." Eddie huffed in annoyance, mad that his friends even thought about that.

"Ok Eddie, but can at least come over after school to help you get ready?" Bev put her hands together, looking at Eddie with big blue eyes.

"Fine, but it's just a casual hangout. Nothing fancy."

"Okay, finish your lunch, before I eat it for you, that dragonfruit yogurt looks hella good."

Eddie giggled, sliding his lunch towards him before she could eat all his food.

Eddie ate his lunch, excited for what was to come tonight. It was only Richie though right? Why was Eddie so nervous?

Sorry it took almost a week to update, I had a surgery on Monday, so I've been focused on getting better and healing. It wasn't a huge deal, but I've just taken a little break. Anyways, enjoy the chapter, and I should have new updates soon!

Word count: 983

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