Chapter 15

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!TW, homophobic slurs!

"Fucking shit" Richie groaned.

Henry Bowers stood a couple meters back, a psychotic smile creeping up his face. He held a pocket knife at his side and Richie noticed it right away.

Eddie was too terrified to notice anything, but he did feel it when Richie put a protective arm around his shoulders, pushing him back.

Richie leaned in slightly, so his mouth was close to Eddie's ear and whispered, "we have to jump."

Eddie gasped looking up at Richie in surprise. "No fucking way!"

Bowers was advancing on the slowly, taking his time, letting the fear build in the two boys in front of him. Richie wasn't as terrified as Eddie was, but he felt uneasy, like the situation wasn't right. God only knew how far Bowers would go.

"Ed's we have to. It's the only way." Richie barely moved his mouth, and if he hadn't been so close, Eddie wouldn't have heard his voice.

There was something low and reassuring in Richie's voice, something that told him it was the only way. Eddie grabbed Richie's hand and squeezed, letting him know he understood.

Henry now was about ten feet in front of them, twirling the knife idly in his fingers. Eddie finally saw this and clutched onto Richie's hand roughly. Richie squeezed back just as hard. They took a couple steps back, closer to the ledge. The drop below them had to be close to 30 feet.

"Ah, ah, ah... where do you two think you're going?" Henry chuckled. He drew his knife up, and pointed it at their faces.

"Look at the little fairies." Belch, one of Henry's friends, came out from behind a nearby tree to the right of Henry.

Next to him was another of their gang, Victor Criss. He also had a smirk dancing across his face.

Eddie went to take another step, and when nothing was there to support his foot, yelped. He was falling backward, pulling Richie down with him.

Henry let loose a snarling sound, lunging forward suddenly. Richie knew it was time to go, and felt the tug of Eddie's hand pulling him back. He let himself fall backward, closing his eyes.

Eddie started to scream, "Richie- fuck, we're going to die!" He felt air rush around him as he fell, and then the hard impact of the water, which hit him like a ton of bricks.

The air rushed from Eddie's lungs, worse than an asthma attack. He felt water shoot up his nose, and he clawed helplessly at the water. He had no idea which way was up or down, but Eddie pushed his way towards what looked like light. He tried to see through the murky water, but the corners of his eyes were dimming.

With one final burst of effort, Eddie pushed up, and his head broke the surface of the water. He spluttered and gasped, choking on water. He coughed, and felt water come up his throat.

Paddling next to him was Richie, who looked to be in about the same shape as he was. Richie was coughing next to him, struggling to keep his head above water. Still, he clutched for Eddie, pushing them both towards the rocky shore.

The distant yells of the Bowers gang could be heard from above them, and a branch came hurdling down from above, hitting the water with a splash.

"We're going to get you little faggots! You and your little fairy friends are fucking dead!" Bowers yelled down the quarry, his voice echoing off the walls and sending chills down Eddie's spine.

"Are you okay Ed's?" Richie asked gently when they got to shore.

Eddie shivered, wrapping his arms around his small body. "I've been better." He let out a shaker laugh, and then had another coughing fit.

"Hey, we can go to my house to get you some dry clothes to wear until your clothes are dry."

"Yeah but my mom-"


"Don't call me that."

"Sorry, but we can sneak up through my window in case my parents are home and put your clothes in the dryer until they're done. Then you can change back and go back home, okay?"


Richie wrung out his shirt and patted Eddie awkwardly on the back.

They walked slowly around to the edge of the quarry, where the road was; and then started the way back to Richies house.

Richie sighed, looking at Eddie's shivering form. He wished he could help him, but he had to figure out what was going on in his head first.

Late update, I'm so sorry:( anyways hope you enjoyed this chapter, and I hope everyone had good holidays! Remember I love all of you! Have a great day:)


Word count: 794

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