Laru because Laru for lifu

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(Based off of this song—)

The blond gracefully moved her legs through the hall, her hair gently swaying behind her as her peers stopped to gawk or shamelessly insult her in jealousy. With a smirk on her lips she proudly walked around.

A red and blue haired boy shuffled through the halls, an acoustic guitar hung around his back. He had a slight blush across his cheeks as he quickly made his way towards the blonde in front of him. The other students quietly laughed at him as he fumbled with his stuff. "Ruby!"

She turned around to look for the boy who called her voice, the second her silver eyes clashed with his green ones she gave him a small smile, "Hey Strawberry!". The boy's heart jumped and he smiled back "H-Hey..."

Ruby fully turned around and held her hands behind her back, fully knowing of his feeling towards her and his reasoning for being there, "What's up Strawberry?". Klarmo walked closer to her "You asked me the other day to express myself to you and I was really thinking about it so..." he grabbed his guitar from his back and strapped it around his shoulder. Ruby's face turned from a beautiful and sweet girl to a little annoyed and confused. "You wrote...a song...? I uh—" she started to turn around before Klarmo waved his hands and shook his head. "No! Nonononono! Please hear me out! Please!".

Students started to record the interaction with their phone and giggling to themselves. Ruby rolled her eyes and crossed her arms "alright...I'll hear you out. I did ask you to 'prove' yourself'" she used "prove" in heave quotes. No man loved her for who she was, it was all her body. Most likely he would be phase, they'd have their fun and never speak again. Still, it was fun to see guys fail at explaining why they "loved" her so much.

Klarmo, however. Truly loved her, so he thought this through thoroughly when she asked him. He nodded and began to strum on the guitar.

"I'm, good at wasting time. I think lyrics need to rhyme and your not asking, but I'm trying to grow a mustache!"

He looked up from his guitar to her to make sure she was still interested. She chuckled at him and watched as he continued to sing.

"I eat cheese, only on pizza please. And sometimes on a home-made quesadilla, other wise it smells like feet to me!"

Ruby sighed, turned around and began to walk away. Klarmo quickly ran after her and began singing again.

"And I, I really like it when the moon looks like toenail. And I love it when you say my name~"

She looked over at him, he had her interest.

"If you wanna know, here we go! Gonna tell you this, part of me that shows if your close. Gonna tell you everything! But remember that you asked for it!"

Ruby smiled and pretended to ignore him.

"I'll try to do my best to impress, but it's easier to let you take a guess at the rest. What lives in my brain! My heart, will you ask for it, for your perusing? At times confusing, slightly amusing, introducing me!"

As they continue to walk he sang faster and faster, her smile growing wider at every silly little verse he sang. He tucked his guitar behind his back again and grabbed her waist, spinning her around so they were in a dancing position.

"SO, if you wanna know here we go! Gonna tell you this! The part of me that shows if your close, gonna let you see everything. But remember that you asked for it!" He spun her around in circles and let her spin to the bottom of a flight of stairs before letting go and grabbing his guitar again.

"I'll try to do my best to impress but it's easier to let you take a guess at the rest. Wanna hear what lives in my brain. My heart, will you ask for it for your perusing? At times confusing, hopefully amusing. Introducing me!"

At the last strum of his guitar his body electrified, because Ruby has turned around and kissed him. His face turned so red he was sure she could feel it.

After what felt like eternity (which wasn't so bad in this case) she pulled away and began to walk off again. But not before turning her head slightly towards him and giving me a smile. A genuine, bashful smile, then disappearing.

The hallway was silent, you couldn't even hear kids tapping on their phones...


The entire student body who had watched the whole fiasco were cheering and clapping for him. Klarmo finally  snapped out of his love struck trance and grinned. "YES!"

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