Uuuuuuuuuggggghhhhhhhh (tagged)

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Tagged by -WxxBxan <~<

Do you have a crush?Nope, unless you count cute anime bois

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Do you have a crush?
Nope, unless you count cute anime bois. Then I have like, a BAJILLION of them XD

Rayne-Marie (I know, fItE MeH >~> )


Shoe size?
9 us

Eye color?
Ehh, it kinda depends...sometimes they're green. Sometimes they're hazel, sometimes they're blue AND green...just really depends on how I'm feeling at the moment. But if your asking what my eye color is most of the time, it's grey. (Sensitive little shit grey...)

Last time you cried?
When I had a panic attack at school and was fucking terrified they'd take me to a mental institution cause there were cops EVERYWHERE. Q3Q

Biggest fear?
...slugs and snails...

Last song you listened to?
Classical piano music

Last person you texted?
My grandmother

Favorite app?
Snapchat, so that I can text my bb ;3;

Tag 20 accounts
So imma just go randomly...if you don't wanna you don't gotta.


XDDDDD did...did ya see what I did there??? XDDDDD

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