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Pelly made an adult Klarmo, and I wanted to do the same for Ruby

So quick Ruby re-cap for everyone who don't know or forgot basically in Magi Ruby mocks and teases Sinbad and the Sindria trading company (which consists of the usual group and Arista and Klarmo) by helping when it benefits her, flirts a bit, then leaves. Sinbad, determined to have as many comrades as he can, one day tells her "why don't you join us?" And in classic Ruby style she says "I don't work for free" so long story short he gets into a five year contact of her servitude (which costs a hella lot btw) and pays for it each year. If he misses a payment she's gone.
After five years of adventure with the gang Ruby has to go because work, but she kinda doesn't want to cause she got attached to the little dorks and ended up totally dating one of them (*cough* Klarmo *cough*). But a deals a deal and one day in the night after the anniversary with her contract with Sinbad she runs away, not even leaving goodbye note for them.
She spends three days being free but a tugging pulls at her chest and she feels guilty for leaving the people who became practically family to her, so she does one last mission before deciding to return to Sindria but this time to stay.
Unfortunately her last mission would take...unexpectedly a while. She was given a contract by the Kou empire to kill a rival countries leader, but what she didn't see was that they had also signed a permanent contract which meant they now owned her. She begged and pleaded with the emperor and his wife to burn the contract but they refused and forced her to become the permanent mercenary of the Kou empire. Doing all the shady, dirty stuff the military couldn't (wouldn't) do.

 Doing all the shady, dirty stuff the military couldn't (wouldn't) do

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And here is her uniform!!

Should I finish it?


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