Angry Brits-

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At a boy scout camp thing in New Mexico, and there are international scouts here as well. Which is pretty cool.

But they talk super loud and stay up all night because it's like 5:00am where they live.

They curse every other fucking word—

And they never want to listen to what the Staff members are telling them to do because it's not how they do it in the UK, despite the fact that they signed a contract that says they will abide to the US rules—

They're also very grouchy.

They're mad about the rules, the fucking brownies, and isolate themselves from the rest of us.

The damn angry brits—

Side note: They're actually really sweet and have really good music taste. They're just frustrated and confused because it's probably a different country with very different rules. They also have bomb accents👌

They do talk really loud tho--

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