Hhhhhh I love him BUUUTTTTT

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*when you've gone through enough abusive relationships and learned a bit more about manipulation when you decide to watch Magi again after so long*

Me before kingdom of magic: God I love this show! No wonder it's my favorite! It adds history and magic together! Yay!!

After kingdom of magic: *staring Sinbad down with both an angry and confused look in my eyes* I love...him...but...uuuuuuggggghhhhhhh. He's— UUUGGGGHHHHHH!!!! NOOOOOO!! I LOVE HIM I SWEAR!!! I SWEAAAAARRRRRRRR!!! HES JUST BEING A FUCKING ASSHOLE AND I WANNA CALL HIM OUT ON IT!! I. WANNA. FUCKING. CALL. HIS. ASS. OUT. ON. IT!!!! UGH!!!

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