Sometimes I like to be gay, just for fun.

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(Lost picture...)

1- DONE!!

2- Ah shit...okie.

1. I have stupidly strong ankles.

2. I was Pelly's stalker before I was her friend (do some digging my bro's, I butted myself into ALL her convos XD)

3. I was there when Pelly got married for the first time! I think I actually did the sermon...

4. I really, REALLY like demonology and studying the Bible. I dunno why. It's weird.

5. My irl name was originally going to be Jasmen...then they gave that name to a guys-

6. I got an insta and a Twitter (follow me, my guys, it be @SaltyRedDuck and @HttpDucky)

7. I'm turning 15 this year!!! WHOO!! (Oml, I first joined Wattpad when I was like, twelve XD)

8. I have an irrational fear of snails (no, I am not joking. They freak me the FUCK out-)

9. I'm a BIG fan of fantasy, specifically the Arabic kind...

10. I actually have two books, an otome game, two comics, and a SHOW that I'm currently writing  (and drawing) for. (Imma die ya'll)

11. A very close friend of mine is working on having her own animation studio someday, my goal is to work for her as a concept designer.  ^^

12. I'm thinking of taking commissions VERY soon 0-0

13. I would much rather fantasize about a fictional boy fucking me mercilessly like the inner masochist I am than EVER let a real guy touch me. And even if he suddenly turned real I would not let him lay a finger on me. That is how much of an Ace I am. 

this was a tag by hollyleaf199 aka mah internet mom, lol.

Imma little too lazy to tag ppl, it if ya wanna XD

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