Letter 4

31 0 0

June 5th
10:16 am
Dear me,
You did it, all exams are in and you passed. What a relief it was to find out in the passenger side of your mom's car slightly screaming as you saw the 83 as your the exam grade was but it. It was amazing to say the least. Congratulations! So you found out your crush likes you, worth him and letter confessing that you like him and you want to try long distance with him. Have fun dying in a week when he gets it. It's pretty funny tho, you've never written a letter and here you are sending one to your crush who's a Marine and hoping for the best, while his roommate says it will be fine you kinda wonder what will actually happen. ANYWAY you got a job interview, since you need a second job this is the best news ever. Everything is falling into place, can I just say this. I'm so proud of you, like here you are after all that shit that went down. You are now back on your feet realizing that everything gets better. You've started to cut the toxic people out and let those who care in. You made new friends, possibly a new boyfriend (highly doubt it tho) and built stronger bounds with those you care about. I'm really proud of you, you pulled yourself out of a hole and planted your feet back on solid ground. That's a heckling accomplishment if you ask me! I'm so proud of you!!! Keep going, no matter how hard it gets just keep going. Some things to remember, your crush called you gorgeous, you went shopping with mom and you felt amazing, you passed school, you got an interview, and you still can smile. I'd say that's worth so much then thinking about death or sadness. As much as it hurts to say goodbye to those you love in school just think of all the new adventures you can go on while being an adult. You have so much freedom and life coming that it's such a blessing knowing that school is done! So be happy, that's what you need to remember. I'm happy and proud, mom and dad are happy and proud, lots of friends and family are happy and proud. You just gotta remember that you came some far, from failing freshman year and technically repeating it, to getting bullied, to being harassed at work, and then possibly not graduating. You broke down all those obstacles and conquered them all! That's something to scream about, AND you sent a letter to your crush. Which you might regret but this is you taking that next step in life, the next leap of faith. I think it will go pretty well and if not build that friendship. It's not going to hurt to ask right? Well maybe... but we won't know till like a week and by then you probably will be screaming. Anyway I'm proud of you, you did it, and I'll talk to you on Saturday after graduation!


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