Letter 16

12 1 0

It's May 5th, 2020
So a lot has happened and a lot has not, you've experienced another break up that fortunately was you dumping him. School is online due to Covid, you're makeup has grown which is great. Just a lot has happened. Still the past haunts you which honestly sucks. It's hard to forget and move on. It's hard to feel like someone actually cares at times. I know they do but life likes to keep hitting me in the feels. So it's been a while since you have written anything and honestly I think it's crazy. It's been close to a year since you started this journey. So congratulations, you made it. I'm proud of you, all that time you spent worrying about school and friends made you stress, now you have a better life. You have done amazing Savannah. Remember that, it's okay to be sad and depressed, no one is saying you can't. I can't wait to see how much you grow in this next year! Keep it up!

Want to remind myself to stay positive ❤️
From Sav

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2020 ⏰

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