Letter 9

18 1 0

August 18th
10:10 am
It's been a while, so basically I'm just going to spill the tea fast so I can go to work.
Basically I'm quitting my job as I now work for a haunted house/scare zone. I won't disclose where but let's just say it's far better than where I'm working now. Where I work now hasn't been easy and it's caused a lot of stress and anxiety on me. Basically it's eating away at what happiness I have left for the world. It's been hard but I'm working on it. I'm still dating the guy I feel for in the previous letters, I've fallen in love with him actually. He's not perfect, he has his flaws but those flaws are what any human has. I love him for them, even when he's being an asshole or just isn't around a lot. I still love him, and I can't wait till I finally get to hold him and hug him. Also it's been over two months and longer than my previous relationship which I'm glad. I finally blocked my ex on all social media and I'm done with him. I'm so so glad he's gone. Anyway... a lot of my friends have left for college which I'm happy for them but I feel so so alone. I'm in a program that starts in February so I have the semester off you can say. I'm very thankful for that cuz a break sounds great. Anyway I'm going to finish this off and say it's okay be not be okay, it's okay to be honest with how you are feeling. Be a self advocate for yourself and stand up for yourself. If you aren't okay tell someone. That's the best way to get help, I wasn't okay but I had three amazing people talking me through it one night and I'm so thankful they did. Well time for me to go...

With love

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