New Partner

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Gavin's pov:
          It was just another shit morning at work when Fowler came over to me with a dumbass smile on his face. "Mornin reed" he said to me "what do you want?" I said in return. "I just wanted to let you know that you you now have an Android partner." WHAT!!! "Wait what?! You know I don't phucking like androids and I never will!" I said trying not to lose my cool.
He looked at me and then stepped aside to reveal a tall,muscular Android standing behind him with an expressionless look on its face.

The Android then stepped forward and looked me directly in the eyes  "Hello detective reed,I will be assisting you in your following cases.My name is Conan." It said with its arm outstretched. I pushed away its hand and and stood on my tippy toes to look it in the eyes and said "Don't get in my way tin can" trying to sound as threatening as possible.The Android looked at me with a slight smirk on its face and said "Oh don't worry,I wouldn't want to get in the way in a detective like you"

I felt my face heat up in anger. "Don't phucking play with me you oversized toaster oven,I will phucking send you to the recycling plant where you belong." I said.

Conan's pov:
   The little man started sprouting out profanities.I chuckle at the angry dwarf in front of me.He noticed I looked amused and asked what was so funny.I just shook my head and told him "you.."His face went red either out of embarrassment or rage, I couldn't tell which though.He then pointed to the break room and said "go get me a coffee dipshit"

I looked at him "I am a detective Android,not your maid.Go get it yourself." I told him. His face then flushed an even darker shade of red before he lunged forward trying to tackle me. I dodge him with ease and sat on his back with his arms behind him like he's about to be put in handcuffs.
He then starts struggling and saying "GET OFF ME YOU PHUCKING PIECE OF PLASTIC" I just hold his hands and push his head down.He stops struggling after a few seconds of being pinned down.I got off of him and straightened my Cyberlife jacket.Gavin gets up and rushes outside.


                            Hey there.
    I'd like to thank you so much for reading.Tell me if I should make the chapters longer and if you enjoyed.Stay woke my dudes...

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