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Conan's pov:
   I looked at Capitan Fowler and he gave me a look that said "go out there and fix it you piece of plastic shit." So I walked outside where I found Gavin leaned against the wall with his foot up making him look like a hoodlum. He looked at me and gave me a death glare while muttering "plastic prick" under his breath.

I walked over to him "I apologize for pinning you in the office,in front of everyone." He gave me another death glare.He then grabbed my Cyberlife jacket by the collar and pulled me closer to him. I felt my synthetic cheeks heat up.What was this feeling? "Pull that stunt again and I will send you back to Cyberlife with a bullet in your head." He let go and got off the wall and started heading towards his car.I walked behind him. "Where the hell do you think your going?" He said turning around to face me. "Capitan Fowler gave me specific instructions to accompany you wherever you go." I replied. " Oh great,now I have a robot puppy.Fucking perfect"

Gavins pov:
God damn it Fowler. The oversized microwave told me that it was now going to be my fucking nanny. I knew Fowler wasn't going to let up so I just let the hansom piece of junk come home...wait,no...not hansom.Stupid.So I let that stupid piece of junk come home with me. Man,I disturb even myself with my overwhelming gayness.

(Time skip brought to you by Barney)

     I unlocked the door to my small apartment. Once I walk in I hear a small purr and feel something rub against my calf. It was my cat Leo. I picked him up and walked over to the couch and sat down. I turned on the tv while the robot did something in my kitchen. I was too tired to care about what it was doing.

A few minutes later I felt a tap on my shoulder so I turned my head. Conan was standing behind my with his arm outstretched with a cup of coffee in his hand. I took the coffee and mumbled a thank you under my breath. He then nodded and sat down on the couch next to me.Leo then got up and laid on Conan's lap. Conan just looked and the furry ball in his lap and smiled. I felt some tingling feeling in my gut but I ignored it. I snapped out of my thoughts and realized I was starring at Conan and not the cat. I quickly look away as Conan looks up at the tv. We were watching Cops. I saw a drunk guy get tased and started laughing.

Conan's pov:
    Gavin started laughing to the tv. I got up and went to the kitchen. "What are you doing?" Gavin said from the couch. "I'm making you dinner." Gavin just snickered "good luck. And don't fuck up my kitchen."
I just ignore the comment and got to work. I found a box of noddles and a pot so I downloaded a recipe for spaghetti. I started boiling the noddles and looked in the fridge for a side dish I could make. His fridge was almost completely empty so I just got out the spaghetti sauce and closed the fridge. What I didn't notice was that Gavin had sat up and started watching me. I just ignored him. He kept watching.

I finished cooking the spaghetti and put it on a plate. " Hey Gavin, come get your dinner." He walked over and sat down. "Go watch tv or something while I eat" I gave him a look "your welcome." I say. "Whatever." He replies.

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