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Gavin's pov:
          Once I finally got ahold of myself Conan asked me a question that I never wanted to answer. "Why do you hate Androids so much?" I just look at him and tears start rolling down my face. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to..." I cut him off. "An Android killed my fiancé and left me to to die in an alleyway three years ago." Conan just looked at me with a looked of sorrow on his face. "I'm so sorry Gavin" I just gently pushed him back and put my head back between my knees. " I can leave the room if you like" Conan said. "No...stay please." I said nervously.

Conan's pov:
        Gavin asked me to stay after he told my a secret that I'm pretty sure he has been hiding from himself. He looked awful. His hair was a mess and his face was red and puffy and covered in tears. His shirt was almost hanging off his shoulder and his pants were rolled up because they were too long for the short man.
I just sat on the side of the bed while Gavin sat with his head between his knees. I tried to lift his head up but he just pushed my hand away. I don't know why but I felt kind of hurt when he pushed me away. Not physically obviously. But something inside me hurt when he pushed my hand away. What is happening to me. I'm deviating aren't I? Dammit. I thought I was perfect. I'm not. I'm a deviant. I'm broken. I'm nothing. I hadn't realized that I was zoned out until Gavin shook me. "Are you okay?" Gavin asked. "Yes" I said back. "That's a lie. You kept repeating something while you were zoned out." "What was I saying?" I asked him. "I'm nothing, I am broken is what I heard" Gavin said. "You're not broken, I am. You are an amazing person and you don't deserve to think your broken or nothing. You are something to me." I was startled and scared when Gavin said this. "What?" I asked him. "You heard me." Gavin replied. Then Gavin lightly traced his finger down my back and back up until he reached the collar of the jacket. He then grabbed one and spun me around so I was facing him. Then he pulled me closer and our lips  connected. I felt like it was wrong but I didn't pull away.

I just sat there and enjoyed Gavin's hands roaming me. I then rested my hand on his hips. His hands were resting on my shoulders.

Gavin's pov:
          I can not believe what just happened. I just kissed Conan. I actually have to admit that it wasn't that bad. I enjoyed it actually. I smiled into the kiss and pulled back while resting my head in his forehead. I know I shouldn't have done that but I could wait any longer. Conan then connected our lips again and started to put his hands up my shirt and he pulled it off.

Hello!Sorry for the short chapter I'm super tired and had a shit ton of schoolwork to catch up on.Hope you enjoyed and vote if you liked it.

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