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Gavin's pov:
          We walked into the office and we saw the whole precinct gathered around my desk with mournful looks on their faces. Conan and I walk up to the desk. "What are you numbnuts doing?" I asked. Tina stepped out of the crowd. "We're so sorry Gavin." She said glumly. She handed me a folder and patted me on the shoulder. It had a sticky note on if that said "REED". I opened it cautiously. There were only a few pages. Inside it said that someone had died. I read the page and as soon as I flipped the page I dropped the file and sunk to the ground.

Conans pov:

          Gavin turned the page and suddenly fell to the ground. I have to catch him so he wouldn't hurt himself. He was shaking, crying, and breathing really heavily. I slid over to look in the file that Gavin had borderline thrown. I peeked into the file and saw someone on the floor in what I assumed was their house. They were very brutally beaten and hurt pretty badly. I assumed she was dead. I scanned  her face and found out that the lady laying dead in the picture, was Gavins mother.

        I closed the file and looked over at the still panicking Gavin. I looked up at Fowler and he walked over to me. "Can he go lay down somewhere?" I asked him politely. "He can go lay in the break room" Fowler said. I walked back over to Gavin and knelt down. I started whispering reassuring things in his ear, just quiet enough for him to hear, but to no avail. He was completely in his own little panic struck world.

          He told me before that he was close with his mom until he ran away due to his dad being a raging alcoholic, physically and mental abusive ,and extremely homophobic. He didn't want to just leave his mom with the shit bag he called his father, but he could handle the abuse anymore. He was done, so he took most of the money packed a bag and get the hell out of there.  He basically cut off all communication with his family. I had despised his father just from what he told me but he never said anything bad about his mom.He only told me good things about her. He hadn't talked to his mom since she was still with his dad, who was still abusing her.

          I picked Gavin up and threw him over my shoulder. I walked him over to the break room and laid him on the couch. I waited till no one was looking and I kissed him on the forehead. He gave a wimpy smile just for a second and then closed his eyes and flipped over. I walked back into the main office and up to Fowler. I asked him what happened and he told me that she was killed by Gavins father and a stray deviant android.

3rd Person pov:

          While Conan and  Fowler were talking a strange android walked into the office. No one was on guard duty due to the death of Gavins mother. He walked into the main office but no one payed attention to him. They were all too busy with other things. As soon as Conan turned around to acknowledge the fellow android a shot rang out. The whole building went quiet. Some people were armed but most weren't. They herd a body hit the floor with a loud thunk.

          Conan fell to the floor. Gavin shot up after the gun was fired but he stayed quiet. No one dared to move or speak. It was clear the android was on the verge of firing at the crowd. I was covered in blood, human and android. It barricaded itself in a corner. Gavin was in a room behind it. He poked his head out of the room. He saw Conan dead on the ground. He tried to hold back the sobs but he still made noise. The android turned around and shot Gavin in the side. He fell to the ground in pain. One of the officers tackled the android and deactivated it. Two people rushed to Gavins side. He was being taken to the hospital.

Gavins pov:     

           People were carrying me onto a stretcher. I refused to go to that damn hospital and got off the stretcher. I hobbled over to Conan and plopped by his side. I knew he was already gone. I knew he was far past saving but I didn't move. Other coworkers were hustling around me trying to get in and out of the building. I herd nothing but the same voice ringing in my ears. It was Conan. I was when we first met and he was telling me how he knew deep down that I was a good person. I couldn't handle it anymore. I stood up still clutching my aching side and sprinted out of the office. I didn't know what I was doing. I was pushing people out of the way. I got into my car and had tears streaking down my face.

          I hated feeling this weak and pathetic. I hated that android. I hate my dad. I hate myself. I hate my life. I done with all of life's constant disappointments and losses. I have now officially lost everything I've ever actually cared about. I pulled up to my apartment and parked the car. I have blood on the inside of my car but I didn't care. I walked up into my apartment and into the kitchen. I pulled out a giant bottle of whiskey and gulped it down in one sitting. My throat burned but it was better than feeling empty.

          I went hobbled over to the phone. I knew I was drunk out of my mind but I wanted to apologize before it was too late. I called my brother Elijah. The phone rung out and in the back of my mind I was hoping he dint pick up. But he did. "Hello?" I herd. "Hey Eli. It's Gavin. Um I just wanted to tell you that I'm sorry for everything I've ever done to you. I regret leaving you with dad and I just wanted to tell you that I love you and hope you can forgive me before Im gone." I slurred. "Gone? Wait Gavin, hold on. Don't do anything stupid okay? Listen I know that we haven't had an easy life and with mom being killed, its been hard on both of us but don't do anything. Im serious." He said in my ear. "Sorry Elijah" I slurred and hung up the phone. I wanted to go to sleep but I wasn't tired. So I flopped down on the couch and turned on the tv. I wasn't going to work tomorrow anyway, so I didn't care if I went to bed on time.

          I drifted into a deep sleep without trying to. I looked up and saw Conan. I was so happy to see him again. He leaned down and kissed me on the lips. I had tears running down my face. he gently wiped them away and laid down pulling me on top of him. He looked so happy. Then I herd a knock on the door. I went to answer it. And saw my dad standing at the door. "What do you want from me you sick bastard." I growled. He just staid there quietly with a smirk on his face.

           I closed the door and walked back over to the couch and saw Conan standing by the table. "What are you doing?" I asked him. "You know I never actually loved you." he said. "W-what? you faked it?" I asked? "Of course I did. Who could love a miserable, Self-loathing, Self-Destructive piece of shit like you." He snarled. I started backing up with tears in my eyes. He smirked at me. Just like me dad, with disgust in his eyes. He pulled me up by my collar. " You are a worthless piece of garbage that will never let yourself be happy." he snickered.I jolted off the couch and fell onto the ground. I was breathing heavily. I was still a bit tipsy so I stumbled over to my bedroom and laid down, tears streaming down my face.

I'm yours... Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon