Wake up

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Sooooooo... My dumbass just broke my ankle while walking to school(slipped and fell on ice)so I have a bunch of time to wright. Hope you enjoy!!!

Conan's pov:
I opened my eyes and saw that I was nestled into someone's chest.I lifted my head and saw Gavin still sleeping peacefully. He was laying on his side with a slight smile. I carefully hoisted myself off the bed and checked the digital clock on Gavin's nightstand. It was 4:30. Gavin would be up in about 30 minutes.
I changed into my work clothes and left my jacket on the hanger. I started by picking up all the dirty clothes on the floor and putting them in the hamper. I walked into the kitchen and opened the fridge. Since I went to the store yesterday there were a bunch of options for breakfast. But I thought Gavin would enjoy something simple, so I started gathering the ingredients for breakfast.

Gavin's pov:
I woke up to the sound of Conan in the kitchen. I tried wiping the sleep from my eyes but I was still tired. I lifted myself from the bed and shuffled out of the bedroom and into the kitchen. I saw Conan making breakfast and humming quietly to himself. I snuck up behind him and grabbed his waist from behind. I herd him chuckle and he turned around.
He saw how tired I was. He put both hands on both sides of my face and pulled me up for a kiss. I was sweet and loving. Something I never thought I could feel again. Something he thought he would never feel at all. He pulled away with a light blue tint on his cheeks. I was probably bright red. Conan turned back around and finished marking the waffles with I sat at the table and scrolled through twitter.
           "Fowler told be to be in by 6:30." Conan said coming out of the kitchen with a plate of waffles and coffee. I mumbled something, I don't remember what. He set the plate down and kissed me on the forehead. I started eating and Conan went to clean up the kitchen.

Time skip time brought to you by my broken ankle

          I took my plate into the kitchen and put it in the sink. I needed to take a shower. Conan started to do the dishes. I thanked him and told him I was going to go shower.
         I walked out of the kitchen and down the hall to my bathroom. I turned on the faucet and waited for the water to warm up. I looked in the mirror and saw I still had a cut on my cheek and a bruised lip from the damn protesters. Got in the shower and started washing up.

Conan's pov:
I herd the shower running and I went to the bedroom and laid out an outfit for Gavin. I glanced at the clock and saw it was almost 6 o'clock. The shower turned off and Gavin stepped into the bedroom. He only had a towel wrapped around his waist. I instantly felt my face heat up. I have seen him naked before but this was different for some reason. I walked out of the bedroom muttering apologies. As I passed Gavin I saw he had a dumbass grin on his face.
I walked into the living room and put in my shoes and jacket. As I was walking back to the bedroom Gavin came out wearing the outfit I picked out for him. It was not much different from what he wears everyday. He had a black collared shirt with skinny jeans and a red pair of converses and black socks. "Like what you see Conan?"He said with a smug look on my face.
"Shut up" I said back. He picked up Leo and kissed him on the forehead. He put the feline down and walked out the door. I followed behind him. We walked down the stairs and out into the parking lot. He tossed me the keys and climbed into the passenger seat. "Your letting me drive?" I asked. "Yup, get in." He said.
I put the key in the ignition and started the car. I drove down to the police station. I stopped at a red light and looked over at Gavin. He was asleep with his head leaned on the window. We arrived at the station and I shook Gavin's shoulder. He woke and I got out of the car. He groggily got out of the car and shuffled to the curb. "Now remember that I hate you and your a cold unfeeling robot. Got it?" Gavin said. "Got it" I said back. He smiled at me and we walked into the station.
Little did we know that something horrible was waiting for Gavin.

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