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Gavin's pov:
I was in my living room. I was laying on something warm. I tilt my head up and see Conan smiling at me. He had his hand in my hair, brushing it softly. I had to admit that I actually did enjoy the Androids presence. I didn't know what was happening. I jolted up.

It was just dream. I looked over to see a concerned Conan. "Are you okay?" He asked. "Fine, just peachy" I said in a sarcastic voice.
Conan looked at me with piercing blue eyes. "You know, you don't have to be so rude all the time. I'm sure your nice person but just refuse to let others see."said the Android. I just looked at him in surprise. "I'm sorry...I'm just not feeling good today" WTH am I apologizing to A TIN CAN? What is wrong with me. "I can call Fowler and tell him that your now feeling well" Conan told me. "Thank you Conan" and I flopped back down because I actually wasn't feeling to hot.

     As soon as Conan left the room I shut my eyes and fell back to sleep. I was walking down the street at about midnight. It was almost pitch black. I was walking with someone else but I couldn't recognize them.I wasn't afraid or nervous at all even though I could barely see. All of a sudden I feel a rough hand grab my hoodie and yank me into the ally. I saw a flashing red light and immediately knew it was an Android. I saw the person I was walking with leaning against the wall, slowly sliding down.

Then it hit me. Leo. My fiancé. He was my world. That Android killed him. I see it replaying over and over again. The Android took all of our money and left me with my dead fiancé and a slash across the bridge of my nose. I then for the second time today shot up from my bed, but this time I was crying and shaking.

Conan's pov:
   I heard a scream come from Gavin's bedroom and I sprinted down the hall. I opened the bedroom door and saw a shaking,crying,terrified Gavin stirring in the middle of his bed with his head between his knees.

I rush over to him and scoop him up into my arms expecting to be pushed away, but Gavin held onto me like his life depended on it. We just sat in Gavin's bedroom for almost an hour. Gavin was still shaking but it had looked like he fell asleep again. I tuck him in like a child and go call Fowler. I tell him that Gavin won't be coming in today. I then walk into the kitchen to make a cup of tea for when Gavin wakes up.

One hour later...
Im sitting on the couch watching tv when I hear rustling coming from the bedroom. I go in to check on Gavin and he is tossing in his sleep. I run over and try to wake him up as gently as possible. I shake him and he sits up and almost knocks me out. His face is red and caked with tears. He looks up at me and jumps in my arms. He starts crying like mad. I just hold him tighter. Gavin Reed is actually hugging an Android. I'm going to see if he will answer me this time. Why does he hate Androids so much? But I'm going to wait till he calms down.

             Thanks for reading this hot pile of garbage. I'm still sick so... hope you enjoyed:)

I'm yours... Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora