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          Gavins pov:

          I work up with a killer hangover. I thought I smelled bacon and eggs but there was only me. I got out of bed and fed Leo then immediately went back to bed. Ive have several panic attacks throughout the long days and sleepless nights. I was exhausted.At about 11 o'clock in the morning I herd a knock on the door so I went to answer it. It was Elijah. He opened his arms and I feel onto him. He hugged me tightly. I told him to come in. I made a pot of coffee for both of us. I handed him a cup. "So what happened?"he asked. I thought of Conan but I didn't want to tell him about our secret relationship. "um, my partner was shot and killed on the spot." I said weakly. "The RK900? We can just give you another one." He said nonchalantly. "no" I said. "why?" he asked. I couldn't hold It anymore. I told him about everything. About Conan, about our mother, about my relations . He listened The whole time. After I was done I kept my head down and avoided eye contact as much as possible. "I see." he said. He stood up and went to refill his coffee cup.

          He checked his watch "I have to go but I will be back later." he said. "I was nice to see you Eli." I said . "Im coming back." He said while walking out the door. I fell asleep on the couch again. After a while I work up to the sound of someone sitting beside me on the couch. I open one eye and see Elijah. "Get up." He said. "Alright, Alright." I respond. "Go take a shower, we're gonna go out for dinner." he said. "Ok fine but if you stay the night, your sleeping on the couch." I said back. I got up and walked to the bathroom. I turned on the shower and went to get clothes from my closet. I grabbed a dark blue shirt and jeans. I walked back into the bathroom and bathed myself. I got dressed and walked out. "You ready to go?" Eli asked. "I guess" I said back.

          I grabbed my coat and walked out the door with Eli. I followed him down to his car and got into the passenger seat. Eli got in the we started driving to the restaurant. "So your not weirded out by the fact that I was dating an android?" I asked to break the silence. "I don't care who you date, as long as you're happy." He said back. I smiled a bit by the fact that Eli supports me. We pull into the parking lot of a restaurant called The Apparatus Room. "Ill pay. Just eat anything you want." he said. We went into the restaurant and ate dinner. I only ordered a water and a small burger. Eli ordered a burger as well. "Would you like desert Gavin?" Eli asked. "Why not." I said back. We ordered desert and ate it all. Eli payed the bill and we walked back to the car.

          We both got in and drove back to my apartment. Eli explained that he was planning to stay for a little while if I was okay with it. We arrived at my apartment and I walked up the stairs and went into the apartment. I saw someone sitting on the couch. "Excuse me? Can I ask what you're doing in my apartment?" I asked. The person walked closer and as soon as I saw his face my heart wanted to explode out of my chest. It was Conan. I wanted to believe that it was actually him but I knew I was just a replacement. "Hello Detective Reed." It said. "Hello Rk900" I said. "My name is Conan." it said sarcastically. "Wait. What?" I asked. "I have a name Gavin. You're the one that picked it out." He said. "Conan?" I asked hopefully. "Yeah. I just told you that." he said back.

          I grabbed his shoulders. "Do you remember?" I ask. "Remember what." he says. my heart drops. I let go of his shoulders. "Oh you mean remember this?" he asked. I look at him but before I can ask what he means he pulls me by my jacket into a kiss. I wrap my arms around his neck and a tear rolls down my cheek. "It is you"I say happily. "Oh get a room." Eli says. "how" I ask him. "Well usually when an android gets killed and a replacement is sent in its place and it has most of its memories, just not the ones that caused deviancy or contained emotion, but with Conan I pulled all of his memories and individually put them into a new body. I saw things I shouldn't have seen." Elijah shudders. Im still attached to Conan.

   Eli lays on the couch and tuns on the Tv. "Ill be staring the night as payment for the shit I had to see for you." He said. "I didn't know this was even possible." I stutter out. "It shouldn't be." Conan said. "But he somehow pulled it off. Your brother is a genius Gavin." Conan said. "Come" I said. "Yes sir." Conan replied. "Ugh, Come on Gavin." Eli whined. I laughed as I pulled Conan into my bedroom. I pulled him onto the bed and snuggled up into a ball will nestling into his chest. Conan just rubbed my back and kissed my forehead. I started crying like a little bitch again. "Whats wrong?" Conan asked. "Its just that I was alone for 3 weeks and I almost committed suicide twice. I realized how hard living alone actually is when you lose someone you care about. I thought I was a goner until Eli showed up. I love you Conan, please don't leave me again" I sniffled. Conan stayed quiet for a minute. "I love you too" he said quietly. I lifted my head up and kissed him. It wasn't as lustful as out previous kisses. It was full of love and passion.

I jolted out of bed. I looked to the side and saw and empty bed. My heart sunk to my feet. He really was still gone. Elijah wasn't here. Conan and my mom are still dead. I slide off the bed and grab the gun from my nightstand. I cocked it and pointed it at my head. I pulled the trigger. It clicked, I already knew the gun wasn't loaded. I started crying uncontrollably. Someone came busting in the room. It was Conan. "Oh thank god" I yelled. I flung into a hug. "Gavin what happened? Why do you have a gun?" Conan asked. "Don't worry about it" I said while talking into his chest. "SHUT THE FUCK UP!" Elijah yelled from the living room. "Sorry" Conan said. "Please come back to bed Conan" I pleaded. "Okay,Okay but I'm still going to question you later." He said. We both curled back up in bed. He laid behind me with his hands wrapped around my stomach.

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