A day out

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Gavin's pov:
Conan was pushing up my shirt while I fiddled with his jacket. He pulled back for a second just to take off my shirt and his jacket then immediately reconnected our lips. I moaned quietly into the kiss. He smiled slightly. He started to undo my belt and I reached down to help him out. He slid down my pants and undid his belt. He pulled back and started to kiss my neck. I moaned louder.

After a wonderful night of...wrestling

         I opened my eyes and rolled over to see that the other side of the bed was empty. I sat up and calmed myself down went I smelled eggs and bacon. I got out of bed and walked down the hall to the kitchen where I saw Conan cooking breakfast. I walked up behind him and wrapped my arms around his waist. He jumped slightly but didn't say anything. He just smiled and kept cooking. I stayed there for a moment but then decided to stretch. I let go of Conan's waist and stretched my arms above my head. Conan turned around and saw me stretching. He walked over and pulled my shirt over my head. He laughed at me and went back to cooking eggs.

Conan's Pov:

Gavin was stretching and his shirt came above the waistband of his pants so I went over to him and pulled it over his head. I found it hilarious that he just stood there and chuckled. I laughed harder then went back to the eggs. I finished cooking the eggs and put them on a plate for Gavin. Went I turned around Gavin was on the floor with Leo in his lap. He had his signature shit-eating grin on his face when he looked up at me. I smiled back down and motioned towards the table. He picked Leo up and held him in his arms like a baby. He followed me over to the table. He set Leo down by the couch and walked back over to the table. I set the eggs down on the table. Gavin sat down and looked up at me. He grabbed the collar of my shirt and pulled me into a short but loving kiss. Gavin pulled away to eat his breakfast.

         "Fowler called me this morning and said that we have a day off today. I said. Gavin looked up from his breakfast and smiled. "Do you have any plans for today?" I asked. "I have to pick up groceries but other than that I have nothing planned" He said. "Can we just go out and wonder the shops?" He asked. "I don't see why not" I respond. His eyes light up. In my short time of knowing Detective Gavin Reed and talking to his coworkers I can conclude that Gavin hasn't been happy for a long time. I'm guessing that his loneliness had come from the passing of his previous lover. My LED goes red. Gavin's smile faded and he quickly walked over to me. He touch my temple with one hand and cupped my cheek with the other while looking worried. I reassuringly looked back at him. The tension slipped away from his body but he still looked slightly worried.

I told him that I was just in my own mind palace and there was no reason for alarm. He smiled. I told him that he should go change if we want to leave soon. He turned around and stride back to his bedroom. After a few minutes he came out of the room and walked up to me. He was wearing a black shirt with a black and red flannel jacket over it, he had black jeans with a pair of black under armor shoes. His hair was combed up nicely. He looked great. I felt my face get hot. Why now?

He looked at me in amusement. He sauntered over to me and placed a hand on my cheek. He smirked. "Like what you see?" I nodded. He laughed and walked over to the key rack. He motioned towards the door. I fixed my white and black Cyberlife jacket and walked towards the door. He locked the door behind us and went down the stairs. I followed closely behind him. We got into the car and drove downtown. Once we arrived Gavin and I climbed out of the car. We jogged across the street to where the shops were located.

I followed behind Gavin even though I already knew my was around the marketplace. We walked past a man playing guitar and stopped when we heard protesters yelling about Androids. One man walked up to Gavin and asked him if I was bothering him. Another man walked up to me and pushed me backwards to try to phase me. It didn't work.

Gavin pushes the man in front of him and grabbed my "attacker" by the hood and pulled him towards the first man. He looked at both of them with the anger of a thousand suns. They weren't paying him much attention. They were looking at me with fear in their eyes. According to Gavin I looked like I was "going to kill a bitch" I walked up to the two gentlemen and put my hand on Gavin's shoulder. He calmed down but still pushed one of the men with his shoulder. As soon as I turned my back on them they ran as fast as they could to who I assumed was the leader of the protest.

Gavin's Pov:

Conan was looming over my shoulder while looking at the two dicks that tried to attack us with a look that seemed that he was about to kill someone. They both ran like pusses when Conan put his arm around me and started walking away. Just to add to my "intimidating" look, I flipped them off while walking with Conan. He laughed after I turned back around. We walked around until we found a nice little shop that I wanted to go to. It was Bellini Paints. I would never admit it but I love to paint and draw.

I haven't shown Conan my "art room" it was really just my spare bedroom. He looked kind of surprised when I pulled him into a paint shop. I walked up to the counter and talked to the cashier. Conan walked up behind me. The cashier smiled at him and asked how she could be of assistance. Conan looked at me with a spark in his eye. It was probably because the cashier treated him like a human. He smiled and said that it was me that wanted to come here.

She looked over at me and nodded to a large box full of paint and brushes and small canvases. I practically sprint over to it to bring to the counter. I was almost shaking in excitement. Conan laughed at how excited I was. He insisted on paying for it. We said goodbye to the cashier and left the store. I looked down at my watch and it was almost 12:30. Conan noticed this and asked if I wanted to go to a restaurant to eat lunch. I nodded and we walked down further to one on the restaurants.

Time skip to after lunch

After lunch and some more walking around it was about 2:40. Conan and I walked back towards the car. On our way back the same protesters and more men circled us. I started flashing back to the night were my fiancé was killed. I collapsed on the ground while panicking. Conan rushes down to my side. I couldn't hear exactly what they said but it was something along the lines of "looks like you boy toy isn't so tough now is he?" Conan stood up with an angry look on his face

My vision star to fade to black. All I saw before I passed out was Conan beating the SHIT out of the of the protesters.

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