Chapter 51

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In much the same way that Erik had been waking up each weekday with a clouded mind and a heavy heart, this particular Wednesday morning was spent no differently. He had awoken alone in his bed, had a cold shower and indulged in a cup of black coffee, before proceeding to spend the rest of the day contemplating where his and Rosaline's relationship went wrong. He knew that at the crux of it his complicated past with Bianca was what had tarnished the trust built between them. Unfortunately, Rosaline had no way of knowing that the main reason why Erik was so hesitant to expose his dealings with Bianca was because of the immediate damage it could have caused to their new and innocent relationship. Sadly, it seemed that what had occurred at Rosaline's birthday party was destined to happen one way or another, due to the evident revenge Bianca was seeking on Erik. Over the years, it had seemed that Bianca had become a twisted, conniving and delusional woman who was unable to move on from the tragic death of her unborn baby that she shared with Erik. At first, Erik had naturally empathised with her loss, being the father of the growing foetus and all. However, after witnessing her monumental attempt at separating him from Rosaline merely for her sick, tortured pleasure and gain, it become reasonably clear that Bianca was far from the woman who Erik once enjoyed a happy life with.  In thinking about the heartache that Bianca had managed to cause both him and Rosaline, Erik decided in that instance that it was time he took preventative measures to ensure that if he and Rosaline were to reconnect in their future, there would be no chance of Bianca returning to cause further turmoil and destruction. Dialling his managers number, Erik wasted no time in explaining what it is he wanted to see happen by the end of the week.

"Erik? I must say I'm surprised to hear from you. Are you calling to tell me that you've decided to return to work after your outlandish leave of absence?" Mr Forester spoke through the phone.

"Not just yet, but if what I have planned goes ahead swiftly it's only a matter of time before things return to normal. I do have one request I'd like you to see to immediately though." Erik confidently replied.

"I'm listening." Albert pressed.

"I want to apply for a restraining order against my ex-girlfriend, Bianca Vettel and I want to ensure she permanently resides overseas." Erik calmly explains.

For a long moment, Erik wondered if he had lost service whilst speaking with Albert. His manager and personal assistant hadn't responded and Erik was quietly beginning to ponder why.

"Albert, you still there?" Erik questioned, while pulling his phone away from his ear to see if their phone call had in fact disconnected.

"Sorry, yes I'm still here. I was just trying to work out if I had heard you correctly. Did you say you want to file a restraining order?" Albert spoke with confusion.

"Yes." Erik confirmed.

"As well as force Bianca to find permanent residence overseas?" He further clarified.

"That's exactly right." Erik swiftly agreed.

"Filing a restraining order is one thing Erik, but how do you suppose to convince her to live in a different country?" Albert asked in a perplexed tone.

"I think it's best we discuss this in person." Was all Erik responded with, knowing very well that he didn't want to disclose what he had in mind over the phone.

Several hours had passed since Erik had scheduled an impromptu meeting with Mr Forester, during which time they devised a plan that was already taking action to ensure Bianca would stay far away from both Erik and Rosaline. Ideally, Erik had hoped that he wouldn't have needed to resort to such drastic measures such as those put in place, but given the amount of hurt Bianca had inflicted upon him, it seemed only fair that Erik controlled what little of her life he still had a hold on. Choosing to move forward with the second instalment of his new and improved plan at winning Rosaline's love back, Erik walked upstairs and changed into a dark and brooding suit. As Erik was buttoning up his shirt, he thought about how the suit he chose to wore matched his current frame of mind. The raven coloured slacks and blazer represented Erik's obvious despair and devastation. On the other hand, the hint of white accents that peaked out from beneath his collar and cuffs indicated that he was still hopeful, and would probably always hope for a welcoming reunion with Rosaline. After straightening his tie, Erik took one final look in the mirror before walking down the stairs and joining Mr Arnold outside. Given the clientele that Erik was soon to speak with, he thought it would be best to have Harold chauffeur him, rather than take the risk of showing up without any form of backup. Glancing out of the side window as they drove through the streets, Erik just about torn his hair out wondering if what he was about to do was right or wrong. It didn't seem to help that he was incredibly nervous, sensing more anxiousness now than when he last spoke with Rosaline. Still, there seemed to be endless possibilities in terms of the outcome that could arise from such a meeting, but if it provided any hope, even if just an ounce, then Erik was prepared to put his own fears aside to see if there was anything left in his and Rosaline's relationship worth fighting for. Pulling him out from his possessive thoughts, Erik met Harold's gaze in the rear view mirror as he addressed their arrival.

"Mr Silverstein, we've arrived sir." He politely spoke.

"Thank you. Forgive me, but I think I'll need a minute before stepping outside." Erik apprehensively explained.

"Take all the time you need sir." Harold responded in an understanding voice.

After sitting in the safe confines of his car for several minutes longer, Erik decided it was time he finally faced his demons. With a quiet farewell directed at Harold, Erik stepped outside of the vehicle and closed the door behind him. Taking slow, tentative steps towards the front door, Erik painfully worked up the courage to knock before taking a shy step backwards. Sooner than he had wanted, someone was twisting the handle on the other side and staring at him in complete and utter bewilderment.

"Good afternoon Mr Covault, sir. I understand that I am quite possibly the last person on this earth with who you would want to have a conversation with but I have come here today, begging to speak with you and your wife about your daughter Rosaline with whom I am deeply in love with." Erik sincerely stated, despite the restless tremble he felt consume his entire body.

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