Chapter 53

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As Mr Arnold drove through the streets that led back home, Erik sat in the back seat of the car and pondered over his deep discussion with Iris and Conrad Covault. After departing from their home with handshakes exchanged, Erik felt a multitude of emotions hit him as he finally began to absorb everything that had occurred over the past couple of hours. To begin with, he sensed great relief over the fact that he had accomplished what he set out to do, which was in speaking his mind as openly and honestly as possible whilst in the company of Rosaline's parents. By the end of their conversation together, there was no denying that they knew just how far Erik's love for their daughter extended and furthermore, his wholeheartedness in wanting to make a future with her. Iris and Conrad also gained newfound appreciation for Erik, as they witnessed him confess to some hard truths that anyone in their right mind would have preferred to have kept hidden and away from prying ears. Nonetheless, he had rightfully proven not only to his greatest contenders but also himself that he truly had done and given everything he had in the hopes of rekindling his relationship with Rosaline. As explained by Iris herself, the ultimate decision to want to forgive Erik and move forward would come down to Rosaline. It seemed that no amount of influence from her family would sway her in either direction as she had become increasingly confident, mature and independent both in her behaviours and actions as of late.

"We've arrived back home, sir." Mr Arnold's voice somewhat echoed amongst the quietness in the car.

"Thank you, Harold. I won't require your services for the rest of the day. Enjoy your evening." Erik politely replied, as he exited the vehicle and made his way towards the front entrance of his house.

Once inside, Erik walked straight into his kitchen to prepare a light meal. As he cooked his way around the bench top and made use of various appliances, he wasn't surprised to find himself thinking about what to do now that he had truly exhausted all other possibilities. Should he settle for another attempt at reaching out to Rosaline? Would it do him any favours to give her a phone call, or perhaps even pay another visit to her workplace? At long last, Erik realised something that he hadn't paid much attention to previously. In order for relationships to work successfully, there needed to be mutual trust and communication. Naturally, given their unique predicament Erik fought hard to disclose the ugly truth and speak with Rosaline about such misunderstandings. However, it seemed that along the way he had selflessly forgotten to pay himself the same treatment and wait for Rosaline to take some initiative and ask for an explanation. Instead of trying to force the truth onto her, Erik suddenly wondered that if perhaps he had given himself the same breathing space and time that Rosaline required in order to come to terms with the situation himself that maybe things would have been different. Alas, at this rate Erik was sure to drive himself mentally insane if he overthought his troubling relationship with Rosaline any more than he already had. With his head in the clouds, Erik walked his lethargic body up the stairs and retired for an early night on his soft and pillowy, yet cold and lonely bed.

On Friday morning, Erik had begrudgingly awoken to the sound of his ring tone that was blaring from his nightstand. Uncharacteristically, he had drunk far more than usual the previous night and was currently suffering from a throbbing headache. As he slouched his way over to retrieve his phone, he became slightly alarmed as he read the time on the clock that hung across his bedroom wall. It seemed that it was already past midday, which was quite easily the latest Erik had slept in for in years. Without even bothering to see who had called him, he hit the accept button and raised the phone to his ear.

"Erik speaking." He croaked into he receiver, whilst choosing to close his tired eyes.

"Erik? Its Rosaline." He heard an angelic sound quietly speak through the phone.

Half convinced that he was still in a dream state, he pried his eyes open and pulled the phone from his ear to check that it was in fact Rosaline calling him. Stunned by seeing her name light up his screen, Erik was lost for words as he wondered what could have possessed her to call him on a Friday afternoon. Quickly putting one and one together, he realised she must be having her lunch break at work and for one reason or another chose to call him.

"I hope I didn't catch you at a bad time..." She timidly continued, evidently unaware of the pounding that was continuing to surface in Erik's mind.

"Sorry, its still early for me." He admitted in a drowsy voice, before slapping his palm over his face for his abrupt lack of thought at how that might have sounded.

"What I meant to say is, how are you?" He corrected himself, despite still feeling foolish.

To be fair, Erik was struggling with more than just last nights hangover. In all honesty, Rosaline was one of the very last people he expected to hear from. Particularly when he considered that the last time they had seen one another he had inadvertently accused her of cheating and moreover, she confessed to needing more time away from him. Although he was utterly puzzled, he couldn't deny the warm, fuzzy feeling he felt exponentially grow inside of him as he continued to listen to Rosaline's sweet and tender accent.

"I'm fine thank you. How are you?" She kindly reciprocated.

"I'm not really sure." Erik found himself replying in a vacant tone, as he returned to his bed and sat down with his eyes firmly open.

"Oh." The one syllable sound escaped Rosaline's mouth before either of them could think to process the brutal honesty in Erik's statement.

A lapse of chilled silence passed between the two of them, during which time so many thoughts were contemplated and yet non were voiced. It seemed as though both Erik and Rosaline were treading very cautiously, out of fear that the other might mistake their words and meanings. Finally, after the quiet had become unbearably worrisome, Rosaline's shy voice carried through to Erik's end.

"I want to see you." She softy revealed.

Erik's heart constricted upon hearing her startling plea. He had longed to hear her say those words and yet now that she finally had, Erik had mixed feelings. Instinctively, he felt overwhelmed in the good natured kind of way that kept him full of hope. At the same time, he was saddened by the thought that it had taken her such a long period of time to come to such a realisation. Deciding to focus on the positive at hand, Erik answered soon after.

"When?" He calmly responded, despite the quickening of his pulse.

"I don't have any plans later this afternoon." Rosaline nervously suggested.

"You're welcome to stop by my house whenever you're ready to talk." Erik easily proposed.

In spite of the obvious concerns that still loomed over both their heads regarding their fragile relationship, Erik thought it would be best to hash out their worries in a comfortable and familiar setting. However, only after he had made the suggestion of meeting at his house did he realise how the idea could have potentially been misinterpreted.

"I wouldn't be opposed to meet somewhere else, if you'd be more comfortable?" He understandingly added a moment later.

"Your house is more than comfortable, thank you." She quickly agreed.

Erik sensed that their phone call was ending and as much as he didn't want to stop talking to Rosaline, he also knew that they would have more than enough time to talk later tonight. It was as though this conversation with Rosaline and the reality that she would be walking through his front door in a mere few hours, was enough to sober him up entirely. Erik had a whole lot of thinking to do before she came, but to start with he had to tidy up himself and his home.

"I appreciate the call, Rose." Erik warmly told her.

"I'll be seeing you soon, Erik." Rosaline concluded, with what Erik thought sounded like a smile in her voice.

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