Chapter One

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Shuichi Saihara had woken up at exactly six in the morning. School started in two hours and thirty minutes, and it didn't take him long to get ready, so why was the Ultimate Detective up so early?

He, himself, didn't really know. But, it was going to be his first day at the most prestigious school in all of Tokyo, Hope's Peak Academy. Hope's Peak was a school designed to recruit and help young kids develop and improve their Ultimate Talent. Shuichi had been accepted as the Ultimate Detective, but because of his low self esteem, the school's ultimate scouter, Koichi Kizakura, has to convince him that he wasn't just lucky and that it was true talent to where he deserved to be in the school.

Only an hour had passed and Shuichi was still filled to the brim with anxiety. Not because of his classes or anything, he was a smart kid, but because of the people. He had been bullied in his past, and one of the greatest friends he made, Kaede Akamatsu who specialized in piano, moved away in seventh grade, leaving Shuichi all alone. He did make a few friends along the way, but after he moved to Tokyo to attend Hope's Peak, he lost touch with all of them.

Hope's Peak was too bougie to have bullies, right? He just had to tell himself that. Besides, even if they did, nobody would want to pay attention to just some Detective. There were greater people there, like Sayaka Maizono, the Ultimate Idol, or Leon Kuwata, the Ultimate Baseball Player. But then again, who's stupid enough to bully a baseball player? They could just whack them over the head with a bat.

He shook his head. Maybe he could go get breakfast. Yeah...he'll do that. He got in his car, starting the engine and driving to his local Starbucks. He ordered his favorite thing to eat and sat at a table in the back corner, scrolling through his phone.

"Yeah, one chocolate croissant...and a grape panta. That's it, thanks..."

Shuichi lifted his head. This person likes almost the same stuff he did... They had beautiful purple hair and pretty, deep purple eyes. They were short, maybe a solid 5 or 6 inches shorter than Shuichi, but it worked for them. They looked...beautiful...

Shuichi caught himself thinking these things and blushed madly, snapping his attention back to his phone. He closed it, then pulling out one of his favorite books, To Kill A Mockingbird.

"Oh, you like that book? So do I!" He sighed slightly, looking up to see who it was. His eyes widened. The mysterious boy..! "O-Oh...y-yeah, it's one of my f-favorites..." he stuttered, blushing and looking everywhere but the boy.

"Man, you sure are anxious, aren't you? Hmm...let me take a guess at what's happening," the purple-ette closed his eyes. "It's your first day at Hope's Peak and you woke up early, so you got breakfast and the anxiety is finally getting to you because school starts in thirty minutes?"

"H-Huh!? H-How did you—" he paused. "How did you know that?" Shu narrowed his eyes suspiciously. "I'm psychic, nishishi!~" the boy giggled. "Well now that I successfully guessed your life story, I'm gonna go now! I suggest you do the same, you wanna beat the crowds for lockers." With that, the boy he had yet to learn the name of skipped away cheerfully, soda in hand. Shuichi just stared, still wondering how he knew that.


A few minutes later Shuichi arrived at the school, immediately getting overwhelmed with all the people. He went and sat under an unoccupied tree, pulling out his book and reading again, when he suddenly heard someone yell his name. "Shuichi!? Is that you?" He looked up, then smiling when he realized who it was.

The blonde girl running toward him was none other than Kaede Akamatsu. He got up, bracing himself for a hug. "Ah! I thought I'd never see you again! I'm so glad you made it into Hope's Peak!" She yelled with a huge smile. "A-Ah, Yeah...I-I was surprised, too..." he stuttered.

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