Chapter 13

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You don't know true fear until you're put into a situation where it's the only emotion you're able to feel.

You don't know betrayal until you're staring at the face of somebody you thought was your friend, putting your life in danger for their own entertainment.

And you don't know true anger, sadness, any emotion that comes to your mind...

...until you're in a situation where you can't feel them.

And they're in that situation.

The girl who was apparently the "Ultimate Despair" giggled, flipping her hair. Once again, the only thing visible was her boots. "So, I'm guessing you two would like to be set free?"

Miu was the one to speak up. "Don't talk to us like we're fucking animals! Of fucking course we wanna get out of here!" She didn't really speak as much as she was yelling, but oh well. "Jeez, okay, calm down...."

"You call yourself the Ultimate Despair, but there's no such thing that's been scouted... So who exactly are you?" Kokichi piped up, trying to see if he can pry some info out of her. The girl just giggled.

"If you want to escape so badly...." She held out an object. It's silver coat glistened in the dim light, making it obvious what it was. "I propose we play a game..."


"Uh, SHUICHI!" Somebody yelled across the hallway. He sighed, turning around.

"Oh, hi Junko.." He mumbled, watching her run over. She stopped next to him, fluffing up her pigtails. "Are you, like, on the way to Mr. Tsukimi's classroom? Because I need to, like, get my grade up or something," She asked, rummaging though her bag.

Shuichi nodded. "Uh, yeah, but uh... can't you come with your sister instea-" "Oh look! We're here!" She stopped in front of the door, and unfortunately Shuichi saw her adjust her breasts. "Uh..." He blushed, biting his lip. She laughed slightly, leaning over. "I plan on doing what's called a 'pro gamer move' or whatever that gamer girl says."

It clicked, but Shuichi still wanted to ask. "And by pro gamer move, you mean..?" She winked, pulling up her skirt a little bit and fixing her hair once again. "Wish me luck, uhh... Sushi!" She waved, walking into the classroom. "Haiiiiiiii Mr. Tsukimi!...."

Suddenly Shuichi didn't really want to catch up in that class that day anymore. So instead, he turned around and walked towards the entrance to the prestigious school. As soon as he opened the door, his thoughts were interrupted by a loud shout.

"Shuichi! Long time no see, man!"

He looked around, then landing his eyes on a certain spiky-haired astronaut. "Kaito! Where have you been?" He ran towards him, awkwardly going in for a hug. Luckily for him, Kaito was affectionate.

"Eh, I thought you knew I got suspended for a few days thanks to bein' a suspect in the Kaede-Miu case 'n all... But enough about me, man, how are you? Let's catch up somewhere! I'll bring out Maki Roll and we can have dinner at Mickey D's or somethin'!" Shuichi smiled at his enthusiasm. It was crazy to hear how casually he was able to talk after being interrogated by the police, usually people who are considered suspects are super shaken up.

Maki, who was obviously reluctant, arrived a few minutes later, having changed out of her uniform already into a cropped red sweater and black pants, complete with combat boots. And Shuichi was always scared of coming off as edgy.

"You idiot..." Maki mumbled when she got there, messing with her sleeves. Kaito just smiled at her, patting her back. Once everyone was in the car, Shuichi spoke up. "So what do we wanna eat? I can probably pile some money together and we can go somewhere fancy, or something..." Shuichi mumbled, backing out of the parking lot. Kaito shook his head. "No! We're gonna get some fast food and watch a movie! Maybe even exercise!" Shuichi saw Maki roll her eyes in the back seat, followed by a small smile. Shuichi smiled a bit at the sight.

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