Birthday Oneshot! (happy birthday ouma)

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Quick AN: thank you for 80??? Tbh I didn't expect this to get any reads at all— also this isn't in the canon story, fyi
Shuichi yawned, rolling out of bed. It's Tuesday, nice...

He got up and got dressed, going through his normal morning routine. As he was walking out the door to the school, somebody jumped on him.

"Ahah! Hiya, Shuichi!" A familiar voice rang in his ear. "...hi Kokichi. Walking with me to the literal second day of school, now, are we?" Shuichi replied, smirking slightly. "Awww, don't be so cold to me! After all, it is my birthday..." he said, smiling.

This threw Kokichi off guard. "O-Oh..! Happy Birthday, Kokichi..." he mumbled. "I wanna do something fun for my birthday! Let's skip school and go have fun!" He announced, throwing his arms in the air. "B-But we'll get in trou—" "I already called and said both of us were sick. Now come on! Go get what you need and let's go on an adventure!" He laughed, Naruto-running away.

Saihara chuckled slightly, walking into his house and changing out of his uniform and into something more comfortable; a P!ATD sweater and ripped jeans. He debated if, just for fun, he should wear his combat boots, but decided against it to avoid looking too "emo".

He walked out of the house, seeing Ouma waiting for him. "Hahaha! You emo!" He yelled, pointing at him and laughing. "Sh...shut up..." he mumbled. "S-So what do you wanna do?" He asked, walking up to the birthday boy. "Hmmm...we could...we could..." the smol boy trailed off, thinking.

Ouma sat against the wall, still thinking. "Well! What does my beloved Saihara~Chan wanna do?" He asked suddenly, looking up at the navy haired detective. "O-Oh, well it is your birthday, I-I should let you choose..." He stuttered, staring at the floor. "Boo...I was hoping you had something in mi—" he stopped suddenly. Saihara looked up to see what it was, but it appeared Kokichi had thought of something, and by his facial expression, it wasn't a good idea.

"...I thought of something we could do, Saihara~Chan! Let's go!" The small boy grabbed the other's hand, then running down the street to his house. "W-What are we gonna do??" Saihara asked as they stepped up to the door, flustered.

Ouma hesitated, staring at the door for a minute before taking a deep breath and walking in. Luckily, Saihara was too busy admiring the plants to notice.

"Moooom! I brought a friend with me!" Ouma yelled, telling Saihara to go upstairs, saying that he'll meet him there. He obliged, walking up the stairs and hearing distant yelling, and a faint scent of alcohol lingered in the boy's home...

Saihara walked into what he thought was Ouma's room, seeming as it was covered in posters, and had quite a few gaming consoles, a tv and laptop, and some pictures. Saihara, being a detective, was curious, and went to examine the pictures.

A few of them made him soften a bit. There was one with Ouma and a few other people who he didn't recognize that were standing in what looked like a park. Another picture was Ouma with the same group, except they were in middle school. All of them looked so young, but especially Ouma. He cute—

"Saihara~Chan? Are you snooping through my stuff?" Ouma said, walking in and surprising him. Saihara jumped a bit. "N-No! I-I was
just—" "It's ok, Saihara~Chan! I don't keep a porn stash anywhere!" This made Saihara blush more. "Now come on! There's something I want you to watch with me! I'm sure you'll love it!"

Ouma patted the spot in his bed next to him, opening his laptop and searching something he wouldn't let Saihara see. "W-We're not gonna watch...p-p-porn, are we..?" Saihara asked cautiously. Ouma gasped. "I would never! Both me and my eyes are a virgin, and I plan on keeping it that way today!" He yelled slightly. "Ah! There it is!" Ouma said, clicking on a video. "Ouma...what are we watching...?" Saihara asked, his ears starting to bleed from the voices from the screen. "Why, my favorite anime ever! Neko Sugar Girls!" He was laughing a lot. "I know you're gonna love it!" He announced, getting up and turning off the light.


After a horrible hour or so, they had finally finished the series. "Ouma, that was...terrible. I'm sorry, I know it's your favorite anime and all, b-but—" "shuichi, I was being sarcastic. It's absolute shit and that's why I showed it to you!" He smiled. Saihara sighed. "please never show me anything like that again..."

There was a small moment of silence, and the tension that had grew in that about if time of the two boys basically cuddling at this point could be cut with a knife. "..Oh! There's an actually good anime I want you to watch, it's nothing like the last one, don't worry~" he giggled, opening Hulu and clicking on the first episode of a show by the name of My Hero Academia. "It's soooo good, but nobody I like watches it in our school, and I can't talk to anyone about it so now I'm gonna show it to you!" He yelled excitedly. Saihara mentally prepared himself for this.


Saihara didn't know how long had passed, but they were eventually on the tenth episode of season 2. "'s getting kinda late...I think I should head home.." Ouma groaned a bit, as if he just woke up from sleep. "Huh...? Already...? Okay...if you have to...." he said as Saihara got up and walked to the bedroom door.

Ouma hesitated, but called out a little. "...Wait, Saihara-Chan, I..w-wait." He got up and slightly ran to the boy at the door. Saihara turned around, staring at him. "Do you need something..?" He asked in a slightly annoyed tone.

However, before either boy could process what was happening, Ouma had leaned in and kissed Saihara directly on the lips. Saihara's eyes widened a bit, but he eventually closed them, leaning into the kiss a little. Ouma pulled away, a blushing mess. " can go now." Ouma turned away, walking back to his bed. Saihara hesitated slightly, then smiled. "Actually, I think I'll stay. I already told my mom I was gonna stay at a friend's house today."

Ouma turned his head a bit, smiling widely. "Yaaaay! We're gonna have the best time now that we're dating!..." he paused. "...right?" Saihara chuckled a bit. "Yeah. I guess I'm your boyfriend now. Happy birthday, Kokichi.."


Ahhhhh I know I'm so late for Kokichi's birthday and I'm sorry if this feels rushed but I got caught up in something and I couldn't post h— anyway, enjoy this little birthday gift to my best boy!💖💖💖💖🐀

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