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Soooo... Yeah I'm moving off this wretched app ❤️ I finally got my ao3 invitation so I'll be moving over there!! I'm not very experienced on there but my username is momoesawaki :)

As much as I hate wattpad, I gotta admit, I did have a fun time while I was here for.. 4 years. I met one of my best friends via this very fanfic which is kinda cheesy but ☺️

You might see me here every now and then if I find out info that I'm trying to warn people about, but that will be it. Of course this doesn't affect y'all since I ended this a while ago but I just thought I would let y'all know since I didn't want to leave without a trace~

I'll mostly be uploading oneshots for the time being, as well as the kinktober prompts I was doing, but who knows maybe I'll write something with chapters 🤔 also the content I'll be writing may be limited to just genshin, idv and bandori since danganronpa isn't my cup of tea anymore lol

Buuuut yeah that's about all I have to say, ty for reading and ty for being here!! I hate wattpad so much and if you want me to elaborate I will ❤️ but if you don't use ao3 and for some reason wanna stay in contact my instagram is catboy_venti!! I swear I'm a nice person and I respond very quickly (unless i'm sleeping or don't have my phone on me) so I'm always available to chat :)

This is Dakota signing off for the final time 🥰✌️

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