Birthday Oneshot part 2 (happy 1 year+hbbd ouma!

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before i start i'd like to say.... wow. 1 full year of this bullshit. and we're not even at the end yet. but thank you so much to anybody who's been here since the beginning/near the beginning, i didn't have much hopes for this crack of a fanfic and yet here i am, celebrating my best dr boy's birthday as well as 1 year of procrastination and angst in which y'all didn't ask for. thank you so much to everyone who reads this book, comments, votes, or even just glances at it! you don't know how much y'all mean to me and i just 🥺💞 i love y'all sm- anyway time for the one shot. once again this isn't canon just self indulgent even tho my current otp is from yttd :)


June 21st. Kokichi Ouma, the Ultimate Supreme Leader's birthday.

To be honest, Shuichi felt bad for him. He had to spend a day that would usually be happy in a hospital for a not-so-happy reason. He sighed, wondering if there was anything he could do to make his crush's day better.

...Now that he was thinking about it, maybe there was. Of course, it would take some convincing for a few people as well as multiple conversations with Mikan, but it could work. Yeah, he was excited about it now! Planning a surprise birthday party for Kokichi could be fun!

His first plan of action was to confirm with Mikan that he could do this, and find the restrictions due to Kokichi's injury. He didn't wanna, you know, break the law.


"H-Hi, Mikan.. Can I run something by you?"

"M-Mhmm... U-Uh, what is it?"

He swallowed. "So you probably know this, but... Today is Kokichi's birthday, a-and I wanted to make sure we can, uh.. plan a party for him? Th-That's if he's in the right condition, if not then I'll just bring him a gift or something.." He played with his sleeve, running through all the scenarios in his head. You could probably tell, but he was nervous.

"...I-I think that's so kind of you, Sh-Shuichi..! I... Uh... I think I could r-reserve one of the break rooms for you, wh-what time and wh-who all is coming..?"

He smiled. Yes! "Oh, that's great! Th-Thank you so much, Mikan! B-But, uh... I think 3-6 should be good, and at most, 5 people including myself. A few of them might not want to come, so maybe account for that..."

He heard rapid clicking followed by a small moment of silence. "A-Alright, you're all set..! I-I'll need to be there in case of a m-medical emergency, and Ouma-kun c-can't eat crunchy, chewy or tough foods, b-but other than that, y-you're good to go..!"

Shuichi was smiling a lot. "That's okay..! Thanks, Mikan! Thank you so much!" He heard her mutter something before hanging up. This was perfect. All he had to do was get Maki, Miu and Kaito on board. He knew Kaede would come, so hopefully her presence will hopefully calm the nerves of the, uh, others.


"So we're having Kokichi's birthday party at the hospital? Feels like I'm seeing a lot of that recently!" Kaede giggled. It took Shuichi a second to get it, but his face turned bright red. "O-Oh my god! I-I'm sorry, i-it was purely unintentional!!" He stammered, eventually just sinking into his coat and dying mentally. Kaede was full-on laughing at this point. "It's okay, it's okay! I just find it kind of funny is all," Shuichi nodded slightly, still shoving his hands as far down in his pockets as he could.

"On another note... What did Kokichi want for his birthday? If anything? Because you kiiiinda just dragged me to the mall without explaining until we got here..." Kaede pointed out, window shopping for something Kokichi would like. Now that Shuichi was thinking about it, he had no idea what Kokichi would want for his birthday. Maybe a video game? He used Shuichi's switch more than Shuichi himself did. An anime figurine, perhaps..? No, then they'd run the risk of running into a few of their classmates at the store. God damn it, this was hard.

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