Chapter 3

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Saihara rubbed his head, confused on whatever dream he had just had. "'s nothing.." he told himself, sitting up.

On the floor, he saw Kaito and Miu sleeping on the floor. Oh, right...sleepover. He thought. Assuming Kaede was in Maki's room, he went downstairs only to be greeted by Kirumi. "Oh. Good morning, Saihara-Kun." She greeted, kind of quietly. "Good morning,, what are you doing awake?" He asked, rubbing his head. "Cooking breakfast. Harukawa-chan and Akamatsu-Chan went out." She informed him, flipping over some bacon that was in a pan. He nodded, taking a seat at the table.

" head...that floor was fucking hard..." Saihara heard someone say as they came down the stairs. He already knew who it was by the voice and profanity, but a few moments later he was greeted by Miu. "Oh. You two are awake." She said unenthusiastically, taking a seat from across Saihara.

"Aye Kirumi! What's cookin'? I'm fucking starving!" Miu yelled, sort of changing the topic. "I have prepared bacon, eggs, and whoever prefers it, steak. I also have more a traditional Japanese breakfast prepared if you don't like the others." Kirumi smiled, finishing up some eggs. "Harukawa-Chan also bought cereal yesterday if it's needed." She added. "W-Wow, Kirumi...all that for only 6 people..!" Saihara asked, kinda surprised. "Kirumi, what the fuck! Why aren't you my mom??" Miu yelled, grabbing some hair on the top of her head in a shocked manner. Kirumi blushed. "I-I'm simply doing my job, Miss Iruma-Chan.."

"Aw, am I that last one awake or are Maki-roll and Kaede still asleep?" Kaito asked from the bottom of the stairs, walking over to everyone. "And when does the bus get here? Isn't it Wednesday?" He asked, sitting next to Saihara. "The bus gets here in an hour. It's currently 6:16." Kirumi told him, followed by a shocker gasp from Miu and Kaito. "I'm up that fucking early?? Has my timer really gotten the best of me!?" Miu yelled, putting a hand on her chest. "There's no way I woke up that early on my own!! It was definitely Kirumi's breakfast that woke me up!" Kaito yelled. Saihara sighed. "W-We should go get ready...I'm sure Maki and Kaede are gonna go straight from where they went to school." With that, Saihara left.

Some minutes later, everyone was ready and eating breakfast. "Kirumi, how do you cook so damn good!? I could eat this shit all fucking day!" Miu yelled again, laying back in her chair after eating 2 plates of breakfast. "Forget that, this steak is killer! Kirumi, how much does it cost to have you as a maid for a day?" Kaito asked, basically inhaling another steak. "To have me work for you for one day averages up to ¥1,078,150. I'm afraid only Harukawa-Chan gets me for free considering she's my roommate." "Woah, wait, WHAT? ¥1,078,150!?   I don't even think Togami has that much!"

Kirumi started at him. "...Togami-kun is the heir of a multi-trillion yen company..." she mumbled, taking a seat at the table. "The bus gets here in about half an hour. Feel free to do whatever you please until it arrives." She smiled, beginning to eat. Saihara nodded and grabbed his backpack, simply watching TV.

"Shit! I forgot to do my math homework!" Kaito yelled, ripping the paper out of his backpack and working quickly. Miu laughed at him. "Loser! How did you forget that!? I did mine during study hall!" "Iruma-san, please. Momota-chan." Kirumi was giving them the death glare, which immediately made them both stop. Saihara sighed a little, getting up and walking to the door. "Th-the bus is here..." he said, watching the inventor and the astronaut scramble for their stuff.

"Those two are quite the mess, aren't they?" Kirumi said, joining Saihara at the door. "Ah, yeah. I feel bad for their roommates, if they have one..." Saihara stared at his feet, starting to enter the realm of his thoughts. Usually, this was a scary place for Saihara, seeming as he doesn't really like to remember things, but this time it was...quite good. He thought about a lot, though, the one thing that kept coming back to him was Ouma. The supreme leader intrigued him, even if he had known him for only two days. His lies, his personality, his ultimate in general...he wanted to know more...

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