The Beginning

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Disclaimer; I do not own the characters, Marvel does, but I own the storyline :)

*IronKing has created the Avengers (plus others) Groupchat

Capsicle- Tony what is this

IronKing- This is the Avengers Groupchat, I'm so sorry you can't read with your old man vision

Katniss- OooOooOoooooO...... burn

Katniss- Wait, why do you get to choose our names

IronKing- Because I am the King and creator of this Groupchat

IronKing- And because I am the strongest Avenger

Natasha- We all know that is not true

Katniss- NAT!!!!

Katniss- You scared me jesus

Natasha- Clint, this is a text message chain, you can't be frightened by it

Katniss- I always find a way

Katniss- Wait, how come your nickname isn't stupid like mine?

Natasha- Because Stark will never live to see another day if he messes with my name

Natasha- And he is afraid of me

IronKing- I AM NOT!!!!!

Natasha- Admit it

IronKing- Never

Natasha- I am looking right at you to let you know

IronKing- FINE! You win! Just don't murder me! You are the Queen

*IronKing has changed Natasha's name to QueenNat

QueenNat- Much better

Spideykid- That was the best battle I have ever witnessed on a screen

Spideykid- I am your servant QueenNat

IronKing- Hey kid, how is life

Spideykid- Depressing

QueenShuri- Can I get an Amen to that 

IronKing- How did you get in this chat?

QueenShuri- I hacked into it

QueenShuri- I have realized I have an opponent for Queen, and seeing it is Nat, I will impeach myself

Spideykid- Shuri, thats what the President does

QueenShuri- Does it look like I care?

Spideykid- I don't know I can't see your face

*QueenShuri has changed name to HackerShuri

IronKing- Wait how do you have controls! Give them back. I AM THE KING!!!

HackerShuri- Not anymore

*HackerShuri has changed IronKing name to IronPeasant

IronPeasant- You better fix this RIGHT. NOW.

HackerShuri- Never

Katniss- There a bought to be a fight and everyone is missing this

*ScienceBro, Capsicle, LighteningGod, BlackCat, MindMagic, RedGuy,  and Pucky have joined the chat

Pucky- We sensed the fight

Katniss- Bets?

BlackCat- I know my sister, but I want her to lose so Tony

Pucky- Shuri

LighteningGod- I say Man of Iron

MindMagic- Shuri

RedGuy- I do not understand how this works

ScienceBro- I am sorry Tony, but Shuri is going to win

Katniss- Betrayal

Pucky- Shuri

Birdbrain- Shuri

Katniss- Cap?

Capsicle- I don't do bets

Spideykid- I cannot choose

QueenNat- Shuri better kick Tony's ass for me

Katniss- Bets are in

Katniss- Let the battle commence

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