Chapter Two

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Casmin pov


When we got home from the mall, Xav assisted me in parking up for the trip, I also told him that I'll be leaving in two days time which made him almost angry. Yeah, almost because the sweet guy could never really be mad at me.

Between the time I had left, I prepared everything so I could conveniently miss school for two whole weeks.

Also Xav and I decided to hangout alot as he would have to survive without me for two weeks. We had never really been separated before. He did call me a traitor at a point the other day at the mall.

Well, there's a first to everything.

I was going to miss him so much.

I was leaving for spain today and Aneka, Xavier's girlfriend also came by early this morning to see me off.

"Xav darling, chill. I'll be gone for just two weeks" I was saying to Xavier, he looked weird with a stupid pout and his head faced down almost about to cry and shit his pants, like he wasn't standing there with his girlfriend by his side, whom I'm sure would replace me at the apartment immediately.

He looked excited and sad all at the same time I was confused. "Dude pick one emotion" i instructed. I really don't understand him talking all dramatic. Well trust him to behave all stupid around me.

"But I'll be lonely during classes" he retorted as he smiled at his girlfriend.

"Bye!" I said as I hugged him and his girlfriend before disappearing.

"Safe trip!" I heard Aneka chuckling. A handful she had to deal with,  because I'm sure Xav would take the day explaining how He'd never go anywhere without me.

I didn't even look back knowing I'll die when i got back because I had literally just ran away, but if i had stayed a little longer I would kill myself due to his stupidity.

Stupid sweet boy, i also already miss you I thought and smiled.

Taking a quick glance over my shoulder i saw Xav still pouting and I smiled.

Xav, my sweet and dramatic monkey.


Walking towards the exit of the airport, i saw a lot of reporters taking photos of a group of boys coming out of the airport as they entered the cars the securities held open for them.

Nice, i thought in my head.


Realizing it was my favorite seven boy group, but as usual I walked away looking for a taxi and acting like seeing them almost up close wasn't a sweet beautiful feeling like i did every interesting thing that passed by me.

I walked a little bit far from the commotion and hailed down a taxi and texted Xav after giving the driver the address.

Me: I am headed to the "home" and I'll be ditching my phone. Dont bother calling or texting.

Me: Except someone dies. 😂

Xav ♥: Oh thank goodness, have fun!

I shut off my phone and put it in my bag. Yes i was really going to keep my phone away till I was going back home.

This was going to be the best moment of my life, i decided.

I was going to a private villa and I would be by myself for two whole weeks, with a clean up maid who was going to deliver groceries every morning. God, heaven.

Pure joy. Nothing tops that.

I loved privacy, What about Xav? Yeah he never disturbs and he knows me better than to come disturbing my me time.

I was making a mental list, I'll write, scream, dance, swim, wake whenever I like, eat whatever I like, and do whatever I like all in a 6 bedroom mansion. Oh boy, am i living my dream already.

I looked out the window with the biggest smile plastered on my face.
I couldn't still believe i had this trip, away from my family, my friends and college.

This was the first time so far away from home or school and it felt awesome.

I was hoping not to get lost though.

Everything was breathtakingly beautiful.

I kept awwwwing to all the buildings and scenery. Everything was just as expected.


The driver drove past the cities and towns towards someplace quiet and surrounded by lots of greens.

Peaceful and beautiful.

I love it! I couldn't stop squealing with excitement.

Happiness was taking the best of me.

We got into some kind of driveway, a turn from the regular road. It looked like we were entering some private estate.

O boy...

Getting close to the mansion my mouth fell opened, it was way, i meam waaaaay more beautiful than the photos online.

Looking ahead i saw two breathtaking cars in front and guys coming out, i smiled not fully aware why.

Just before i could mention how nice that place looked the driver stopped behind them and said "here we are"

Wait! What?

Looking behind and forward, i noticed that there weren't any other houses nearby.

"what?" i asked myself more than the driver.

"are you sure?" i had to ask again.


He answered without even looking at me.

I paid, got down and got my bags.

As i walked forward, i wasn't so sure anymore. I saw seven pair of eyes looking at me and probably asking themselves the same question i was asking myself "what the hell?"

O boy.

Guess who?

My so called favourite celebrities from the airport.

Only this time, no staffs, no securities, no paparazzi.

It was just them, i was excited inwardly, it just wasn't showing.

I mean, just a few moments ago i was celebrating being alone and how i was going to try my scare game and try my imaginations with ghosts in mansions and now seven pair of eyes were watching me with questions I'm asking with my own eyes.

What the hell?.

That's right.


Oooooh boy.


Thank you.

Second chapter, tell me what you think!

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