chapter seven

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*a lot in common*



After eating the meal Lee brought, dare i say it was delicious, I finished working and emailed my work back to Xav, to cross check them and i decided I'd had enough.

I slept through the rest of the day and waking up this morning I decided i should go downstairs and stretch; by stretch i mean eat loads of snacks and watch movies.

I showered and put on comfortable clothes and i picked up my phone, i tried tidying the room by picking up the tray Lee used in bringing me food yesterday and going to the kitchen to dump them in the sink. I'll just wash them later.

Or someone else could do them..

I was making popcorn and humming when i heard Jim walk in, "hello there" i turned and smiled "hiya" i returned.

"You didn't come out all day yesterday, are you feeling well?" he asked with sincere concern on his face.

"Yes, I'm okay. Thanks"


The popcorn was ready. I took the drinks I'd taken out of the fridge with me. I walked past Jim to the sitting area and turned on the TV. I was scrolling through Netflix to find something to watch.

I felt a presence beside me "you don't mind if we watch together right?" Jim asked.

I smiled "of course not" i noticed without trying that i was comfortable with the idea of hanging out with the rest of the guys but Lee, i just couldn't stand the guy.

I offered him popcorn, he was holding two bags of chips "what should we watch?" i asked him still scrolling through the movie options.

"Spiderman, far from home" Ken and Vect shouted together.

Jim started laughing immediately.

"Okay" i didn't mind, before I even pressed the play button, almost everyone was already sitted  with one snack or the other except Lee.

Unconsciously i asked "where's Lee?"

Jesus Christ, why did i care?

I tried to hide my face since the heat was rising to my checks, i wasn't sure if it was out of embarrassment or something else.

I could see Ken grinning from ear to ear and Choi smiling, in fact they were all smiling like they knew something i didn't. Okay, boys seriously? Weird.

"I'm right here Cas" i heard him answer from behind, he was holding drinks and an extra bowl of popcorn. I don't remember asking to call me Cas but i didn't comment, i didn't really care it's just Lee bothers me and i don't even know why.

The way he said Cas was teasing but i ignored him, I already felt too embarrassed just asking about him and the guys reaction didn't help me either.

I pressed the play button.

The movie started. He sat close to my feet wrapping a big duvet around himself, i could tell he was smiling.

They're all always smiling, stupid people.

The movie was fun and we started talking randomly about how funny Spiderman was, and how he was played by mysterio and other random stuff.

Ken was a huge fan, killing us all for bad mouthing 'his guy', Jim was telling us how he had figures of spiderman all over his room; one way and another we were actually talking about ourselves and getting to know each other as the movie played out.

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