Chapter Eleven

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*beyond boundaries*



Well it's been three days since the party, meaning that it's been three days since i set eyes on Lee. I have been avoiding him like the plague, not because he kissed me like everyone might be thinking but because i kissed him back and...

...I liked it.

That night I woke Xav up with a video call, and lots of text screaming 'emergency'. I was confused, i didn't really understand the emotions trailing through my head.

I felt like a lightweight, I told him everything that had happened, starting from the outing I had with Chase, the party and then the kiss, i gave him a detailed report of everything.

He asked me lot of questions, questions i already took the liberty of asking myself the moment I had gotten into my room, locked the door and slumped onto the ground.

What happened?

Lee kissed me.


I kissed him back.


I liked it

Do you like Lee?

I like all the boys.

Compare him to the rest

I don't understand, how?

What do you think is different about him?

They're all nice, caring and funny. He's annoying, always looking for ways to mock or tease me, he always picks on me; he laughs at the silliest things and moments, and brings meal to me, I'm positive he was the one who dropped off the meal at my door yesterday and the day before because others knocked and asked if I was fine before saying they dropped a meal but he just knocked and disappeared, he always put his brothers first but he started getting mad recently.


Since the day at the coffee shop, since the mention of someone.



Why do you think?


Because what?

Because he was jealous.

Why was he jealous?

Because he already liked me.


How i didn't figure this out was well, nothing surprising. I didn't read well into things like that, he was teasing me because he wanted to see me react and I liked him teasing me to the point I actually miss it.

But i knew deep down since the day we kissed that I liked him because I'd never kiss back if I didn't like him but the question was when did it all happen?

Thinking about this didn't even matter, I'll be leaving in what? Four days? Five maybe and then what?

It'll all be over after this vacation, I'll go back to school and he'll get back to being a celebrity and I wouldn't even matter anymore, I'll just be a figment of his memory.

I wasn't thinking about this. I was going to enjoy the rest of my vacation with the rest of the boys, I'll simply ignore him.

We had nothing to talk about, I'll just ignore him i told myself again before exiting my room and heading downstairs where i didn't expect to find anyone and most definitely not him.

"Can we talk?" he asked as soon as he layed eyes on me.

I almost rolled my eyes at my brain, I'm so so stupid.

A lot of things were easier said than done.



I had been on a little bit of lock down, going radio silent for hours and then being all cheerful like i wasn't dying on the inside.

I'm sure at this point, I was bipolar.

I had gone twice to talk to her but decided against it and disappeared. I made her food, because I just knew she wasn't going to leave her room anytime soon.

I was miserable. She probably didn't want to talk to me.

The boys had tried their very best to cheer me up, giving advices and ultimately showing their support. I love them, but I didn't think I could stand not seeing her again till God knows when.

I was pacing while the boys were watching me carefully, I didn't even understand anymore, I liked her, i got jealous over some guys name, I kissed her and I wanted to be with her. Simple.

I noticed that the boys had suddenly stopped looking at me and i followed their gazes and there she was.


"Can we talk?" i said the moment i set eyes on her.

I walked outside and headed straight to the pool, turning around once to confirm she was following behind.

When we got to the pool, I realized that I didn't know what I was going to say. Oh God, I'm so stupid.

She stood looking at me, the sun making her bland hazel eyes shine bright like an emerald.

"I'm sorry," i started scratching the back of my neck "not for kissing you, I'm not sorry for that, not at all. That was actually the best moment of my entire life" I backed away from her, I couldn't look at her, keep going I told myself, so I continued.

"I really like you, hell! I love you" i yelled quite frustratingly. I was just so tired of bottling it in. "I think it started from the moment I set eyes on you" I turned to look at her then,   "I never expected anything from this vacation but I met you and I dont want to loose you before I even have you"

Stepping forward I braced myself as I reached for her hands and she didn't pull away, "please Casmin..."

She held my gaze for a few moments and said "I think I like you too"

I didn't expect that, not in the least, I went from shocked to confused to pure delight.

I didn't hear anything else as I saw the sincerity of her words in her eyes.

I didn't even know how but she was in my arms, holding tight; an embrace that I wasnt going to loosen hold on.

Because at that point I experienced happiness like a million sparks of fire exploding in my chest and I didn't want that explosion to stop.

Cas likes me back, the day just got better than it ever would. I was a million pieces of fireworks, a zillion sounds of vibrations and a lifetime worth of smiles.

I know, I know loves...
I started a new book, and I would never forget about y'all....

I'll finish before Christmas i promise.

FYI friends, two more chapters to go! Yay!
🎄 🌲

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