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Author's pov

It's been six months since Casmin's vacation and she was still the talk of the world.

Surprisingly people loved the short haired girl who stole the heart of world most famous boy band leader star. It wasn't as terrible as Xavier was thinking, or Casmin.

She became her own celebrity in school, with Xavier of course. She didn't really want that but she got it anyway, she dodged everyone and tried to live as before she left for her trip.

"Hey" another random student greeted her as she and her best friend walked to the cafeteria to eat Lunch.

Holding hands like a married couple, "stop texting" Xav scolded for the millionth time in like three minutes, rolling his eyes as she just ignored him and continued walking and texting.

"I can't" she countered him "I'll stop once we order" she promised Xav.

"Stop pouting" she told him, he scoffed "like you can see me".

"Why are they running, she asked Xav as she looked up from her phone as someone pushed past her, "I don't know" he shrugged "ans i don't care".

They walked past the gathering crowd when she heard her name, ignoring it she heard it again.

Wait, I know that voice she thought " but it's impossible" she said out loud, "what?" Xav asked her, he had started at his own phone somewhere along the way.

"Lee's here" she said and pulled Xav into the crowd, "wha-" he stopped short as he saw Lee standing in front of the crowd.

Ohmygod ohmygod ohmygod

Lee was smiling, they had been texting and he said he had a performance in like two minutes, well his performance was here in front of her schools cafeteria.

Her happiness was in overdrive, she had tears on the brink of her eyes, Xav walked her up to the sit in front of the crowd and that's when she saw the set up, he was here with the others.

The were going to perform for her in her school, she watched as they performed breathtakingly, as he smiled in her direction at all chances he could get.

The lyrics of the song piercing through her bones and making her heart beat faster, as he rapped his part:

...When you hear my heartbeat, baby
You give me a new life, you give me a new birth
I feel your heart beat away
I've been losing my mind
I've been driving my shine
And maybe for you, I wasn't ready-made me
But you designate me and you resume me
I've been calling your name in this universe
(Now I need no space)
I got youniverse, done...

As the song ended and the crowd erupted in screaming happy at the unexpected show.

Lee walked up to Cas and took her to the small set up stage, holding her hands and looking in her eyes "I didn't write the stars, and you were no surprise, I promise to be here even in my absence, I'm claiming you in front of everyone as the days go by, I'll love you just as much as the first day. I Love you Casmin"

With tears running down her face, she whispered loud enough "I love you Lee"

And he kissed her just as their meeting started, unexpectedly...

Cause she never imagined it as it happened.

Ho ho ho!

🎅 santa is in town frieeeeeends
It's finished.. Yes, i did it.

I want to thank everyone, that both positively and negatively supported this book...

See you in my new book

I LOVE YOU much more than Lee loves Cas, you can bet on it.

Thank you, *bows and courtesy*
Muah! 😘 😘 😘

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