Chapter Ten

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Dedicated to sgiffio




I thought I had done a good job avoiding Casmin, well obviously not. We've been staring at each other for what seemed like eternity but barely a few seconds since we bumped into each other. I should break this unbearable awkward silence and just say something.


"I should-"

We started at the same time. It just got more awkward.

"Why don't you go first" i offered like a gentleman, chuckling awkwardly, a dumb ass gentleman who can't tell a girl he likes her. Awesome, yay.

She hesitated at first, "I was looking for everyone, I'm only seeing people I barely recognize here" she was acting really nervous, shifting from foot to foot, that was very unusual.

"Well, here. You found me" laughing very awkwardly, i slowly stopped. Okay, nice try.
I looked up to her face, she was avoiding looking at me, great. We're both dumb, that's a fact. "They're at the back, that's where the drinking is happening" i smiled at her.

"Thanks" she walked around me and started away to the back.

Wait, that's it? Wasn't this the part where you both turn around at the same time and kissed and confessed your feelings? Oh that only happens in fairytales but i had it close.

I wanted to stop her, grab her by her hand and tell her I was sorry for being a jerk and that I was madly falling for her but that sounded so stupid in my head. "What was wrong with me?" i muttered under my breath.

Hailing and greeting all the people Jim, Vect and Ken decided to invite, I retraced my step back, to the back of the villa where the boys where, drinking and playing dares.

I saw Jay and Cas talking. I wonder what they were talking about that got her all smiles. I  was happy she was smiling, but I would have been happier if I was the one making her smile.

O boy, I was long gone.

We've been drinking and playing for hours i think, it felt like years; almost everyone was gone. The noises had died down and we were all at the pool side, Vect was drunk singing and Jay, Vect and Choi were singing back ups. I excused myself to go to the bathroom not like any of them were paying attention.

I was heading back to meet the others when I saw Casmin walking slowly around the kitchen drinking a bottle of water, I entered the kitchen, "Hi" i said so i wouldn't startle her.

"Hello" she returned, her eyes looking at everywhere but me.

"I'm sorry for being stupid recently" there, i had it out, you haven't told her anything, you dipshii.


That's all, okay? "I really acted foolish around you and I'm just trying to say I'm sorry" i finished.

At this point I wasn't sure what I was apologizing for but I felt better because now she was looking at my face and that made me smile.

"It's okay, I wasn't mad at you" she closed the water bottle and placed it on the kitchen counter. Licking her lips, I couldn't help but stare at her mouth, her lips were looking very soft and very inviting...

She started leaving the kitchen, as she was about to pass me I grabbed her arm, she stopped walking and turned to face me "what's-" i stopped her with my lips; my lips on hers where just perfect, she tasted like wine and water (if water had a taste) I was still waiting for her to push me away, I felt her lips move.

Wait, what?

She was kissing me back, with just as much energy I used when i crashed my lips against hers. I couldn't believe it but I wasn't going to stop and check if I was dreaming or not, who knew what will happen after this, my brain was about to explode.

I brought my hands to her temple and held her face gently, the kiss was all the confirmation i needed to know I couldn't go back to being normal. We knew better than to fall in love, the agency made that clear enough but this was one vacation that'll change all that, little did i know that.

I had thought about kissing her since the very first day I set eyes on those luscious lips and it was happening.

It was that moment when everything was going too well and something ruins it; yeah, plot twist because as awesome as the kiss was going she pulled away sharply.

I could see a pale smile on her face but still there was a hint of confusion. It was like she was processing.

"Cas-" i hadn't even gotten around to calling her name completely when she turned around and walked away "min" i muttered the last part barely audibly.

I don't know exactly what took over me but that was the best feeling I'd had in a very long time and even though it was shattered just a few moments later, I made a promise to myself that no matter what happened I'll make sure I got this.

I had to tell the boys, first. And secondly I needed to get things straight with Casmin and finally and most importantly I needed to talk with my manager.

Well, none of the options were favorable but i knew deep down that I had to do it. I had to answer all the questions in my head before doing anything tonight, and with my self inflicted problems I forgot the boys and went straight to bed.

"It's going to be a looong night" i said to myself.

And it was exactly that.


Sorry for the longest delay ever, i felt the story was going not so well and took a much needed break to clear my head and get my shit together..

I love everyone reading this, please VOTE!

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