Chapter Twelve

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" I think I like you too"

The moment the words left my mouth, I almost regretted it but that was before I saw the fastest face expression changing in history.

He was beyond happy, there was no way one could smile like that and not have an ache later on. I didn't even know I had such powers to make someone that happy, someone who wasn't Xavier. It also made me so happy that he was happy and he said he loved me.

He loves me.

He said something about me and him and i didn't even think as i nodded, i mean what could it hurt? I had a few days tk enjoy being with him and I'll take that chance.

We walked into the house holding hands, I was worried about the boys, how they would react. I was nervous, so much i was shaking slightly but Lee squeezed my hands gently and gave me a soft smile that intantly calmed my nerves.

The moment they saw us and their eyes locked on our joined hands, they broke into grins, Ken even going as far as "woah, finally, congrats bro" and I released a breathe I didn't know I was holding.

Jim pushed us, yes pushed us into the lounge where they started drinking and planning a wedding, stupid boys, i couldn't help but laugh at their foolishness.

They were happy we were together, I texted Xav to let him know I got a celebrity boyfriend, i did tell him like that 'Boo, I have a celebrity boyfriend'.

Amidst all this happiness, when I sat down in my room later on at night as we texted each other as the stupid fresh love birds that we were and smiling sheepishly, I remembered that his agency didn't approve of dating and I immediately felt exhausted.

I'm sleepy, good night.

Sweet dreams 🖤

I pondered on that for a good minute before I slept off.

The day went by so fast, Lee said he had something planned for the evening and I was looking forward to it, the house was back to it's original madness just like it was when we first arrived.

And yet, I still couldn't get used to their beautiful smiles, it was infectious, I was sure when I got back home I'd be having a lifetime of aching mouth from smiling too much.

I use to think it was just a front when I watched them on YouTube, man was I wrong.

Cherish, the villa manager stopped by to deliver the daily groceries herself with the excuse of the delivery guy not coming in on time, I'm sure she just wanted to see the boys, but who am I to judge? I fell for one after all and I loved seeing him and the others everyday. I stil couldn't believe i fell for one more than the others i had thought it was practically not possible to fall for one without the others.

"Stop smiling before your jaw drops" Jay who hardly spoke teased me, qait, Jay's teasing now? O kill me.

Rolling my eyes, "real funny, coming from someone who never frowns" i replied sarcastically.

Lee, wrapping his hands around my waist from behind me said "leave her alone" and Jay laughed as he raised his hand up in surrender.

If only i didn't have to leave three days from today, I thought to myself. I was too comfortable being in his arms. Kissing my hair he whispered in my ear "go get ready" and he ushered me towards the stairs and I went to prepare for my surprise date night.

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