Chapter Eight

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Double update. Yay!




I hadn't slept since we got back from dinner last night, I was up all night.

I'd followed Cas almost discreetly up till she entered the guitar shop, I stood outside waiting for her to come out. But she had taken a long time, although I didn't mind as to how much time she was taking; Then she came out with a guy, i instantly turned around so she wouldn't see me, it's not like she knew that I'd be waiting outside, yet that didn't hurt any less.

Talking and smiling as they crossed the street and entered into the shop, I frowned clenching my fists and cussing under my breath. I knew I liked her but my irritation and anger last night showed me just how much.

I wasn't going to follow them, but I just wanted to make sure she'll be okay and that's when I had found myself sitting down and watching from a cornered part of the diner; gratefully the waiter didn't disturb me much when i told her I was waiting for someone.

Watching them talk and laugh made me unbelievably mad, what the hell was he saying to make her laugh so much?  I scoffed. I didn't even realize how much it annoyed me to see her so happy with someone else when that should've been me.

She wasn't hard to fall in love with, her sarcastic but sweet way of talking, her easy to go personality and majorly the first thing to notice of them all, her beauty.

Short black spiky hair, green eyes with golden strats when hit with any ray of light, soft brown freckles scattered about her nose and then the lips, not so plump and definitely not small but luscious. I had fallen for her without realizing it.

Seeing her here with some other dude was killing me, i had just realized I liked her.


I should've walked beside her and she wouldn't have agreed to go have coffee with some random stranger. She'd seen me. I still couldn't take the scowl off my face, stop frowning  i mentally spanked myself but i just couldn't. I couldn't help how sad and angry I was with myself for not being a little more friendly with her, and for not walking beside her.

Wait! They were leaving the restaurant, I was about going outside when she buzzed back in. For a moment i thought she was mad i was in here and decided to leave, that wasn't the case, which was good enough for me.

"I didn't know you were here" she'd said to me who was thinking of a way to smile and be normal.

"Is something wrong?" she'd asked, i finally was able to force a smile and replied "of course, I'm okay"

"New friend, huh?" I was still trying to not look suspicious and weird, it seemed to be working cause she laughed nervously looking anywhere but towards me, she'd started talking about the guy and i zoned out.

I got a text from Choi regarding dinner and i let her know we had to leave.

Then came the dinner itself.

I wasn't there at all, i couldn't eat, because I'd acted like i liked a girl, i actually really liked a girl. One I'd just met four days ago. She noticed my odd self. I'm sure everyone did, because I remember Jim asking her on the way home if anything happened and she said she couldn't remember if something happened.

Glad the boys were matured enough to not pick on me about my mood during dinner. Even though I knew I'd be explaining later on.


It's 11am now, I decided to eat alone. I'm sure the guys had eaten, and were now playing a board game or something when i walked past them to the kitchen and began frying eggs, I'll have that with a slice of bread and coffee, i decided.

I hadn't spoken to anyone, not even responding to any good mornings that had been thrown my way on the way to the kitchen. After breakfast I'll be cheerful and everyone will think i was grumpy because I didn't eat well last night and breakfast solved it.

Simple. I'll be normal around you girl .

Yeah. That's what I'll do.

After eating i entered the kitchen to drop my plates and Cas was inside. Okay, smile, i reminded myself. Just one day and I am already looking all serious and intense.

"Good morning" i sang like i didn't just snub everyone ten minutes ago.

She smiled. Good, she's smiling and that made me smile genuinely.

What she does to me.

"Morning, you seem to be in a better mood" she commented happily. Was she worried about me? Nice thought.

"Yeah, I had breakfast" i replied cheerfully.

"Boys and food" she shook her head and laughed; "join us, we're playing monopoly with accessories, i own a good pound of Vect's earrings and Jim's rings already" she was grinning.

Upon entering the sitting area where the game party was happening she screamed "I'LL SELL THIS STUFF AND BECOME SO DAMN RICH PEOPLE!" we all started laughing.

In a lower voice she said "really, y'all get to write me a letter of authenticity okay?" she's just too contagious, the boys were all smiling, well, we're always smiling so, that's a given.

Watching her get along with my best friends and brothers made me happy, and watching her giggling made my stomach flutter, I was happy. If just watching her made me so happy, i wonder what dating her was going to feel like.

Did I just think about dating her?

Yes. I did. And will.

I promised myself that.

The day went by fast, we were having fun, genuine fun. I didn't have to think to smile anymore, I was back to normal.

After the game, Choi, Ken and Cas made dinner. We ate and we all decided to go sit outside while our group's best dancer entertain us, Jay was happy to dance, always happy to dance.

She looked so surprised that he was happier dancing than talking or doing any other thing. It was amusing when he asked her to try dancing with him. She couldn't dance. Not well anyways.

The day turned out better than I had expected and I'm glad it did. We were back home, no new friend and things were going great.

Everything was perfect;

Well till she had a call and picked it up "Hey Chase, ...of course i remember you,... Guitar shop and coffee?..."

No way, they exchanged contacts? Here i was thinking my day was perfect.

I stood up and excused myself without giving her a second glance, why was she squealing? Ugh!  Nonsense.

Chase? Who name their kids Chase anymore?

I needed a very cold beer.

Pfft, i walked inside and slammed the door.


Sorry, short chapter again? I'm so sorry. 😂 😂

I'm sorry i ruined Lee's mood, don't worry it's about to get spicy...

I wanna hear your thoughts darlings👇
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Love y'all.

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