Chapter Nine

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dedicated to ChapMoo

*Lee, Lee and Lee*



"Good morning people!" i greeted everyone who were sitting on the dining table and having what i thought was breakfast.

"yeah"  Vect said with sarcasm lacing his voice.

Laughing Choi said asked how my night was,  "fine" i unknowingly answered. Mockery was in the air alright but what was wrong.

"Good afternoon" Jay finally said, making me roll my eyes at everyone. Now i understood the sarcastic responses and laughter.

As I joined the household to lunch, well brunch for me, i noticed Lee hadn't said a word to me. He was obviously back to his mood; whatever happened this time ok. Not my business. Although I remembered that last night he just got up and disappeared and I don't remember much seeing i was too busy talking with chase.

I was going to hangout with Chase today, after the call last night. He had texted me to meet at the guitar shop, so he could show me around town. Cool. A free tour guide.

Crispy chicken and rice. Choi sure knows his way around the kitchen. "what's the plan for the rest of the day?" Ken asked no one in particular.

"I'm hanging with the guitar guy today" i beamed happily. I did of course notice Lee scoff and leave the table immediately after that. I tried not to follow him and ask what his problem was. Jim's voice called back my attention.

"Be back by 8pm, we're having a house party.

Heck yeah.

"I'll be back by 7" i said. We all laughed.

"Does anyone know what's up with Lee?" i asked, hoping for an answer. "well?" it seemed as if my question finished everyone's meal because they all picked up their plates and headed for the kitchen.


Choi came back and sat in front of me saying "We don't know for sure, he seems to be mad at you"

Wait, what? Mad at me?

"Mad at me for what?" i had to ask, I didn't do anything to him.

Choi continued talking, ignoring my question "Like I said, yes, mad at you.  it's obvious he likes you so I'll say it's because of your outing. Ignore him though" with that he got up and went to join the others.

Food for thought: Lee likes me.

What the hell.

I left the house after telling the boys i was heading out, Vect offered to drive me but I already called a cab so i told him that and thanked him. I couldn't stop thinking about what Choi had said, why would he think that. Lee didn't like me, he couldn't.

But then, everything started to make sense, he wasn't smiling when I saw him at the restaurant where I had coffee with Chase, he wasn't himself during dinner that same day, the day after he was acting weird and when I got the call from Chase, he walked off and then there's today, the moment I mentioned the outing with Chase he left. Again.

Okay, he likes me and probably hates Chase. Great. Chase is just a friend and why can't I just concentrate on my hangout? it's not like I have anything with Chase. I'll tell him that tonight.

What do I care?. Why do I care?  Ugh! Why do I always think about Lee?! Why do i feel te need to tell him Chase is just a friend?

Ugh! Stupid brain

Please i just wanted to enjoy my tour today and not think about anyone other than the city. And that's what I'm going to do.

No more Lee related thoughts!.



Chase should work as a tour guide, he was awesome. He took me to everywhere I had to see before leaving the city and he was accurate!

It was 8pm and I was back at the villa, I already helped in preparation for the house party, surpringly celebrities had friends who would be coming over.

This is my lucky year. Yay.

As excited as I was, i dreaded seeing Lee, since i got back I hadn't seen him. I wonder why I was so bothered though, it was weird.

I felt as if I owed him an explanation, what I didn't feel towards Xavier who I hadn't called in days. Though we texted, there weren't any details. I missed him.

I didn't know what to wear. It's just a house party i tried to reason with myself.

With celebrities. Lee's close friends.

Why was everything revolving around Lee today? Why can't I stop relating everything to him?. Maybe I'll just stay in my room. I thought to myself.

I layed down on the bed. Looking up. It had a drawing of a beautiful woman with a guy who was resting his head on her chest, why haven't I seen this before? I've spent close to a week in this room.

I seem to just be noticing things today. Great. What else will I be finding out? Maybe I should go to the party, "To meet new celebrities of course" who was I kidding. Deep down I knew I wanted to see Lee, I just wanted to talk to him.

About what?

Good question.

As much as I couldn't find any answer for that question I still went downstairs to the party.

It was loud and well not so rowdy. Yet i couldn't seem to find any of my housemates. They were barely thirty people here, so where was everyone?.

At this point I didn't even realize I was walking amidst a few very known celebs, it just didn't matter to me; all i wanted was to find any of my housemates, or at least one of them.


Not paying attention I accidentally bumped into someone. "Oh my, I'm so sorry" Looking up to find the one person I'd dreaded seeing and badly wanted to see all at once...

Lee, yes i know, you guessed right. It was Lee.

I had bumped into the devil himself...

Sorry for the delay in updates. Life happened. How are y'all doing? I know wanna know something about you.

Tell me something about you!

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