Chapter Four: The Best Friends and the Add-ons

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Dedicated to SomeoneLovesYou for being an absolutely awesome writer. If you've never checked her out, you need to... like right after you read this chapter!

Chapter Four: The Best Friends and the Add-Ons

Bloated. That was the first word that went through my mind the morning after gorging on Turkey Hill's ice cream and crying my eyes out watching Grey's Anatomy. I rolled out of my bed with a groan. There was no way I was going anywhere today. After situating myself in the bathroom, I headed out into the kitchen to grab something to drink. I had no intentions to eat anything for days. I seriously felt like I had eaten a frickin elephant.

My thoughts about how I might cook an elephant were interrupted by knocking on the door. "Who is it?"

"Open the damn door, bitch."

I would know that voice anywhere. It was Ashley Clark, the other best friend. I wondered if she might be with Dan. The door was barely a centimeter open when she burst through. She looked really nice for it being so early. How early was it anyway? The clock read eleven. I guess it wasn't that early.

Her brown hair was half up and her dark eyes were lined with black. She was wearing jeans and a black tank top that said "Sexy and I know it."

"It's not good to lie about yourself," Rebecca said behind me. Ash seemed to catch on that she was talking about the shirt.

"Oh, you are so funny, Becca. Did you get that from your horoscope this morning?"

They looked at each other, trying to see who would crack first. "It's good to finally see you," Becca finally replied.

"You too." The argument was over before it even started. I'm not going to lie. I had wanted to see some drama this morning.

Dan peaked out from behind Ash and told all of us, "Ok ladies. We are going out so please go put some clothes on."

I looked down at my oversized t-shirt. It was either Harlan's or Greg's shirt. The thought of adding one of Trevor's shirts to my collection made me smile.

"We don't want to know about who you did last night and why you are wearing his t-shirt, Jasmin. Now go get dressed."

I sent Dan a look that clearly indicated that I was offended by his implication, but didn't make any move to contradict him. He could think whatever he wanted. He was just jealous that I got laid on a regular basis and he couldn't keep a girl in his apartment for more than twenty minutes. Now that is a story for another time.

I found some jean shorts and a frilly red tank top to wear. After a quick hot shower, I was ready to go. I let my hair air dry so I didn't bother putting too many products in it. We had to wait an extra fifteen minutes for Becca, who insisted that she didn't know what to wear. I finally went into her room and grabbed the first decent outfit I could find.

"Are you ready, your majesty?" Ash asked when Becca finally decided to grace us with her presence.

"Yes, dreadful subject. I'm ready."

We were all seated at our favorite coffee shop when Becca asked Ashley about her previous boyfriend.

"What was wrong with this one?"

"He was an asshole," she said around a mouthful of food. "I would get home from school and he would be sitting on the couch in the same place I left him that morning."

I had to add into the conversation. "Why did you move out though? It's not like you were that attached to him, right?"

"I wasn't attached, but I ran into Dan and was telling him about all the drama so he offered that I could live with him." I knew Becca was seething, but Ashley didn't seem to notice so she continued. "I figured why the hell not? I know we get along and I wouldn't feel pressured into getting a boyfriend for a roommate because I wouldn't go home to an empty apartment."

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