Chapter 8: Death Preying

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The room, filled with a heavy tension between two brawling minds. The atmosphere getting thicker each moment as both of them stand face to face sending daggers and death glares to one another. One is trying to infiltrate the other one who's trying to cease the fury.

Stephen was about to move his lips when Darwin cut him off.

"What do you want to know?", His strong eerie vibe slowed down a bit.

"Tell me everything you...", Stephen tried to command him but he only got an insulting laugh in return.

"You think it works just like a compulsion?", Darwin threw his hands in the air and rolled his eyes. His expressions says how much he thinks Stephen is that stupid.

Stephen looked away in anger. His fist starting to grip like a rock at his desires to punch Darwin in the face. But he just let out a big sigh and fleek his eyebrows at him then frowned. He didn't have any idea what is he gonna do with him. Taking him to the Colossal will only risk his life, for this guy is so stubborn that even the gods gave up on him. But if he keeps him, the Colossal will hunt them down together.

He looked at Darwin walking playfully across the wall and to the ceiling, defying gravity like it doesn't work at all. 

"Why are you here? Why did you come here? What are you up to?", Stephen's eyes followed him walk upside down across the room.

"This isn't a job interview, is it?", Darwin playfully replied with his taunting voice.

"You are truly pissing me off!", Stephen took the vase sitting on the corner of the room and threw it to Darwin but he evaded it smoothly with his lightning speed. He faced Stephen down from above, looking at him straight and upside down.

"Answer your phone...", Darwin whispered.
"It's not ringing", Stephen replied.

It took a few minutes before the phone rings. Darwin smiled at his flawless senses. Stephen frowned at him before picking the phone sitting on the table.

"New request. Are you up tonight?", A raspy voice came came from the other side.

"What type?", Stephen replied. He traced Darwin walking upside down across the room out of boredom.

"Can't tell. We deal different types almost every duty", the man on the other side replied.

"Well then, I'll go ahead", Stephen hang up and looked at Darwin with a disappointed look then to the clock.

Darwin sit on the couch across the room with his legs crossed and his lips slightly open. The small light coming from the window illuminates his pale complexion and his silver hair and his blood red lips that looks like it's always dripped in blood. He wore a taunting bored expression looking back at him.

"Spare me the truth. I'll go ahead", Stephen turned his back on him and walked towards the door but Darwin moved fast in a split second and block him out of the doorway.

"You wouldn't let me rot here, will you?", Darwin gave him a playful yet threatening smirk.

"Rot in hell, idiot. You are smart right? Go find ways to pass through the force field", Stephen bumped him as he passed through the door ignoring Darwin's whole existence.

"Oh no wait, I can use a little help", Darwin blurted with enthusiasm.

"No thank. I've been through a lot", Stephen replied.
"Not as much as I've been and I'm pretty sure that whatever it is I can easily finish it and the credits are yours", Darwin tried to bargain an idea.

Stephen looked at him and then to the window. The sun is still up but he needs a preparation. Something about him wants to make truce with Darwin but knowing how evil he is, he might be dealing with another mess again. He looked at Darwin's face and hope that there is still a flicker of light, just a little bit that remained of his humanity.

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