Chapter 9: Hubert Strikerealm

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"It's been centuries, big brother", A familiar voice spoke. A teenage boy came into view and gave Darwin a hand.

Darwin looked up to the owner of the voice. He blinked his eye a few times just to check if he's just hallucinating. But reality kicked him hard that a genuine smile crept into his face.

"Hubert!", He pulled himself up and wrapped the guy in his arms. The guy hugged him back as they exchanged smiles with each other.

Darwin felt so glad meeting an old friend that he forgot about the hellhounds and Stephen fighting the  odd sensation. They turned around and looked him down.

"Can we spare the reunion?", Stephen looked up to them still struggling to fight the effects of the death praying spell.

"Small one, listen. I need you to remove the odd spell so we can fight", Darwin grabbed Hubert by his shoulder and looked into his eyes, requesting for a back up.

"Ok then. I'll fight alongside with you", Hubert gave him a smile before pulling a small vial from his shirt pocket. He clicked open the small tube and yellow dust started spewing out. Darwin nodded at his gestures and flipped back dashing towards Stephen. The odd sensation had been washed out and they are back to their natural senses.

Hubert's eye turned golden yellow and yellow aura started to form behind him. He stretched his left arm while his right arm above the air. He moved his arms in a clockwise motion and a magic circle appeared in front of him. He enchanted a spell in the air and stretched both of his arms.

"Dalmao!", He screamed as a giant phoenix hovered above him and landed at his back. He threw his arms forward and the phoenix spewed scorching flames that burned everything on its way.

"Careful!", Stephen shouted as he evaded the tunnel of flames coming from their back.

"Just shut up and fight idiot!", Darwin grabbed his arm and threw to the horde of hellhounds. Stephen danced to the strike of the whip as sparks and embers rose up to the air.

Darwin pulled his wings and lanced straight upward. He released a very malicious strong vibe that affected the movements of the enemies. He looked down to see Hubert throwing golden orbs towards the doglike creatures and smiled. He catch his glare and nodded about something that seemed like a mutual understanding.

"I'll enhance your Arachnea!", Hubert threw his palms forward and yellow magic circles appeared in front of it.

Darwin felt a strong surge of power that his eyes went pitch black with red light circles forming. He rocketed down in a speed of lightning and faced the horde with a demonic face. He took a step forward and uttered a few words.

"Fear thy progenitor of fear", He whispered like mist in the air.

Hubert looked at Stephen struggling to take down the horde on his side.

"I'm sorry but you have something that contradicts with my magic", He tried to explain , "But anyways...", He moved his hands as spines rose up from the ground and pierced through the hellhounds.

"I'll back you up!", he added on.

Darwin stunned half of the horde with his Arachnea but they keep coming four times in number. He hissed at the sight of another wave coming after them.

Dalmao spewed another destructive tunnel of flames which wiped half of the new wave. But something off has come to him after seeing something coming from the east. He stepped back screeching at the sight of something moving forward towards them.

Stephen dancing with spark and flames with his whip and Darwin stood up not threatened by anything at all, he knew someone is coming so he kept guards up.

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