Chapter 19: The Lion Of Angels

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"You might want to stop singing that damn song!", Keith leaped a few meters off the ground and smashed a body in front of them. He grabbed the head of what looked like a young lady with a distorted features and smashed it on the ground. So harsh that blood sprayed in the air.

Hubert halted his enemy with a crystal dome and rushed into the young lady's body. He flipped the hair on the back of her head and saw a pattern of markings.

"Parasitic!", He gasped as he casted a spell pulverised the body before it can even move.

"What is that?", Darwin asked in confusion.
"Ancient cult of lurers. Looks like they've been working for a ritual", Hubert replied.

"What made you say that midget?", Keith asked with a little hint of boredom in his voice.

"They used to be just.normal girls. Until they were sacrificed and and ripped out of their souls to be a vessel for the ancient sirens to resurrect. When time comes that the circle of their cult is completed they can actually take control of the dominion of their will. Be it be this land, or even the whole city", Hubert explained.

"Still, that doesn't explain why these doubles appeared", Keith rolled his eyes at him.

"Darwin is right, they use their voices to penetrate deep into our minds to embody our fears. They use the absolute power of the dark waters of these lands as a mirror to give life to that fear", Hubert concluded.

"Come to think of it, Darwin and I fought them almost endlessly but still they keep coming back for more. That's because we've shown an incredible amount of fear when we first saw them", Stephen added.

"They embody our fear so they can indulge it. They lure our fears out so they can feast on them", Darwin sounded more like his absolute vampire self.

"Well...", Lisa added.

"I don't know if this thing would work but...we can actually show them how scary we are", Darwin proposed.

Hubert and the rest of them exchanged looks with confusion and then back to Darwin.

"They can't even feel an inch of intimidation after we've shown almost our full potential", Keith looked at Darwin with a wary look.

"I may be partially human now but my mind works faster than light", Darwin flickered behind Stephen.

"Steph", Darwin whispered.

Stephen's eyes widened at his chilling voice behind him.

"These doubles originated from us, don't they? I don't think you've notice it but you are the only person who possessed the ability to compel the absolute vampire which happened to be me", Darwin sounded almost like a whisper in the wind.

"What's that supposed to mean?", Stephen turned to his back and looked straight into Darwin.

"The's the only key", Darwin proposed.

"Hubert! Can you take a hold of their necks and have them pulled just inches from the face of the water?", he added with a commanding tone.

Hubert nodded and he leaped into the air stretching his arms apart. Green magic circles appeared below the versions and vines started pulling them to their knees. Lisa and Keith roamed the forest to kill all the luring sirens around.

"I'm sorry but I have to do this once again!", Darwin grabbed Stephen's arms to face him and dug his claw right into his chest. Stephen screamed at the familiar sensation of his claws trying to breach his heart. His eyes burning bluish white as he looked up and grabbed Darwin's hands. He grabbed Stephen's nape and leaned him down to his knees facing the water.

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