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"After all we are only a human."

People see me as someone completely ordinary. The side character girl—I prefer that myself.

But, no I'm not. Fate decides that to my life as it granted me an ability.... Which is both gift and curse.

I can taste lies.

White lies taste a bit of sweet yet bland,

Double meaning lies taste like a sweet and sour candies,

Promise broker taste salty-pickle-ish,

Compulsive lying are sore to the throat, make me search for strepsils,

Lies of deception are faulty, it's spicy but not the kind you'll be pleased for,

But never have I ever tasted this one. The foul of it were making me nauseous. As if I just force myself to eat a lump of old rotten meat, all blue and bleeding with maggots find its way—

I held it in my throat keeping my best to look composed as I tried to comfort my best friend.

"He dumped me! He cheated me after this whole 2 years! I love him–I even give my everything.. And what am I ? What he did? I...I..." She sobbed, hugging me tighter, drenching the cloth on my shoulder.

"I'm disgusted." I blurt out before realising what I say. Quickly I scoffed, pushing away the nauseating feeling as I struggle with my words. "...of him." I said much quieter, to myself.

"RIGHT?" She wailed and continue on bawling.

If I could've said the truth right to her face how disgusting her lies is.

"After all we are only a human."

I had published this one before in my prompt book but gonna yeet this here cuz this what inspired me on doing Ren/Rain (my oc)

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