Chapter 3

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To Abby,

To say I was surprised is an understatement. And confused. It is not weird that you sent me that letter, not at all. In fact, it made my day. I had to read it a couple of times to believe it at first, that someone had actually written to me. I do remember that ad but no one ever replied to me. I guess no one replied to you either, or else you would probably have remembered it. I do not remember the magazine’s name, can you tell me? 

I will start off by answering your questions:

Yes, I still like those bands but have found other favorite bands as well during the years. McBusted sounds like legends and I hope they will keep going for a long time and not break up. I guess you cannot go professional in playing the guitar, but like you said, a 10 year old probably can. I have not played the guitar for years but I did continue taking classes for plenty of years after the ad. I learnt some Green Day songs and thought I was really cool when I could play the chords without looking at the guitar while playing.

My paper is running out but before I end this letter, is Abby your real name or a nickname for Abigail perhaps?

Hope to hear from you soon (sorry for stealing your line),


The letter was waiting for me when I got home from work, under a pile of bills and flyers. At first I was confused, because I never get mail with my name handwritten on the envelope unless it’s my birthday or sometimes at Christmas but since it’s not my birthday and definitely not Christmas, I was shocked. Then I remember the letter to Luke I sent two weeks earlier. When it had gone one week with no reply from him, I lost hope. I know I shouldn’t have, after only one week, but I did. Also, I easily forget things so not even when I opened the letter and read the first line did I remember. I had to turn the paper over and read who it was from, before I did remember. 

What are the odds though? That it would actually reach him? That someone would live at the same place 10 years later? Sure, I still live where I’ve always lived but it’s not that common. People usually move houses and he’s probably in college or something so that was what shocked me more. I don’t go to college. After High School I decided to take some time off and work a little. I use to help dad at his office sometimes but my main job is working in a grocery store just around the corner from our house. I had worked there before, helped the owner, Martha, who is also our neighbor, but quit my senior year in High School when I started feeling stressed. Martha quickly hired me after I graduated and even invite me over for tea sometimes. She’s like an extra grandmother.

I put the letter on my desk and stare out the window. What am I supposed to write to him next? Well except for answering his questions. Should I send him my extra copy of the magazine? I’ll send him the whole one, not the broken one, the one where the pages are hanging lose. 

To Luke 

I don’t mind you stealing my lines. Truth is, I rewrote that line at least 10 times because I didn’t know what to write. How do you even end letters? I could have written goodbye but it didn’t sound right. Neither did ‘hugs and kisses’ because I don’t even know you…

Anyway, I have an extra copy of the magazine, which is called ‘Kidz’, if you want it? By the way, did you actually read that magazine? I didn’t know guys read magazines. Kidz probably is an exception because I found some articles about sports in a few of those that I found.

Why don’t you play the guitar anymore? Have you outgrown it? Lost interest? Sorry for all the questions.

And no, Abby is not my ‘real’ name. It says Abigail in my birth certificate but no one ever calls me it. I’ve been Abby for as long as I can remember. I don’t even know why I was named Abigail, not even my dad uses that name. Unless he’s really mad for something, or if I’m being annoying. Or if I go to a doctor appointment. You know how they always shout out the patient names? ‘Abigail Carson’? Sometimes I don’t even answer, I just stare at them blankly and then when they’re on their way out, I shout back: ‘Do you mean Abby Carson?’ and they will always give me this weird, annoyed look. I guess I’m annoying but I really don’t like my name.

Oops, sorry for writing so much. I’m gonna steal your line: The paper is running out.

I really do hope to hear from you soon, Luke. Tell me something more about yourself?



Sorry for a short chapter, wasn't going to update at first but I have nothing better to do...Oh and the next one will be up tomorrow!

Hahaha I found my little brother's ask account and I'M LAUGHING SO HARD RIGHT NOW. omfg. His friend put up some funny pics of him and I'm so gonna use them in the future because I'm an evil sister. 3:)

Anyway back to the story... what do you think Luke will write back to her?

Please vote and comment to make my day :) ily xx

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