Chapter 28

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“Merry Christmas!”

I smile brightly at Luke who sits across from me. He too has a big smile on his face and his dimples are deeper than deep. I’ve missed his face. God, I’ve missed him a lot. I haven’t seen him in a while and now I finally get to, just two days before Christmas which will also be the last time this year. Dad wanted to spend some time with me next week since he’s off work. He’s said we need to have some ‘father-daughter’ time.

“Merry Christmas, Abby. What is that? Wait…did you bring me a present?”

I nod at him and see him frowning a bit. “What’s wrong?”

“It’s just that…I didn’t get you anything,” he says and looks down on his lap.

He’s wearing the usual grey t-shirt along with a red jacket over. He’s not the only one wearing a red jacket and when I look around the room, I notice there are numbers on their backs. I wonder what number Luke has.

“It’s okay. I didn’t expect you to get me anything. C’mon, open it!”

The wrapping paper was already a bit open since the guards and security went through it, but Luke doesn’t seem to notice. Or maybe he does notice, but just doesn’t care. He unwraps it and opens the box. His eyes search through it and I see them soften as he starts unpacking it. 

First there’s a bag of chocolate chip cookies. I remember he told me he likes them so I spent all day yesterday baking them. I had to redo the baking three times before I called over Martha who happily helped me make them. At least I know I’m not going to be a baker.

Next, he picks up the other gift, a stack of papers. He scrunches his eyes a little before he starts reading. 

“Are all these song lyrics?”

“Yes. They’re lyrics from some bands I thought you’d like. I also printed notes. I don’t know if that helps but I remember you said you played the guitar and Jack told me you used to play the piano as well when you were younger so I thought maybe you could read notes? I don’t know if you can anymore, I mean if you remember. Ah, it was stupid-”

“It’s not stupid, Abby. It’s perfect,” he stops me. “I still remember some notes. I-I can show you.”

He shakily picks up a random paper and read the song title out loud. “I’ve never heard this song, but according to the notes it goes something like this:”

Then he starts humming and it is the most beautiful sound in the world. Sure, it’s not exactly how the melody goes, but it’s close. And close is perfect. He starts reading the lyrics, forming it into a song. I stare at him blankly and he has to clear his throat to bring me back to reality after he’s done.

“Sorry, I’m not very good at singing.” 

“Are you kidding me? That was…wow.”

He blushes and looks down on the lyrics in his hands again. I didn’t even know he could sing.

“You know what, that could be your present for me. You singing.”

He bites his bottom lip and smiles at me again. I push the wrapping paper to the end of the table and it starts slipping off. A guard walks up to the table and picks it up, giving us a quick look. I smile back at him but he doesn’t return it. Guess they’re just mad because they have to work during Christmas time.


I search through the stack, or should I say book of lyrics. I notice lyrics from bands and artists such as Green Day, Justin Timberlake, All Time Low, McBusted and Mayday Parade. I also see lyrics from Ed Sheeran. I raise my eyebrow. All I remember from him is A-Team. I guess he’s made it big then, or else Abby wouldn’t have included him. (a/n: let’s just pretend Luke was put in jail before Ed got more famous. Either way, time makes no sense in this story.)

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